View Full Version : Hot flushes in face

31-10-12, 13:10
I had a hot flush in my face out of the blue when in my car last Friday. I felt dizzy with it, it then made me panic and I felt so shaky. It scared me but it didn't happen again and I didn't dwell on it.

Last night I suddenly felt very hot on my forehead, I then felt my cheeks burning, I felt light headed suddenly, then panic set in and I was shaking and heart racing.

I was shaking for about 45 minutes afterwards as I was worrying when it had happened again, twice in a week. I hoped it would be anxiety, I nipped to my GP today as I knew I would worry if I didn't find out what it was. He was no use, he said he didn't think anxiety could cause flushes of heat out of the blue in the face, but he thought when I felt hot I was having a panic attack caused by the hot flush scaring me. He said don't worry when it happens and I won't panic. Well it isn't that easy when you don't know what is causing it and I have not had this symptom before.

I am dreading it happening again because I know I will panic.

He said a number of things can cause hot flushes in the face but unless it happens regular he won't test for any of them.

My temp was 37.6 in his room, so he said it's probably a virus causing hot flushes. I said no my temp is normal at home, I am just hot here as I am anxious, my temp goes up when I feel worried, as does my BP. My BP was high at the doctors too but I know it is just the worry of being there. I explained this to him. I have no viral symptoms, I am not ill and I had nothing in 4 days then it hit again out of the blue so it can't be illness. He then just said maybe I was right then but shrugged his shoulders and grinned at me, told me to chill out and see how I go.:blush:

I lost my Nan suddenly in January, we were very close and she has always been like a second mother to me. I miss her terribly. I suffered a horrible ordeal with my violent brother a month ago too. I have always had health anxiety but it has been well under control until all of this and I worry daily about myself again, sometimes feeling a little spaced out and shaky, but rarely. This heat in the face though is something very new and of course it has triggered my anxiety terribly:blush:

Can anyone relate to this feeling and reassure me?

Thank you

31-10-12, 14:12

I know where you are coming from. I suffer with hot episodes of where my neck gets hot and blotchy and feel the heat in my face. When I feel this coming on I try to distract my attention from this so as not to fuel this anxious mind of mine.

Try singing out loud to yourself or anything that distracts you from this feeling till it has passed.
The mind is very powerful and more you think I feel hot etc., this just adds to the vicious circle.

Hope you soon feel better xx

---------- Post added at 14:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:11 ----------

I also lost my Dad suddenly in April 2011 which didn't help my anxiety.

The more you face up to anxiety and panic the easier it gets, but it takes time.

31-10-12, 14:36
Thanks so much. Have you seen your GP about it? We're you told it was anxiety?

Its horrible isnt it:((

So sorry to hear about your loss. Grief is a terrible thing xx

31-10-12, 14:44
Yes seen the Nurse and she explained its like an adrenaline rush. I must admit when I feel the heat I tend to go looking in the mirror because I feel embarrassed about it especially when I am at work and feel that my boss must think 'what is up with her', this only makes it worse and sometimes I will feel hot but when I look there is no redness there. It does help to talk to people and I found that when I told my boss he said some people he knows seem so confident but underneath they also suffer with anxious periods but are ashamed to say.

I still suffer from these episodes but try and sit through them xxx

Do you find you get blotchy marks on your neck and chest when anxious?

31-10-12, 15:14
No it's just my face. My forehead and cheeks feel hot and look bright red.

I have no other panic symptoms and I will be totally fine and suddenly a hot face, feeling faint then the heart racing and shaking:(( I'm just worrying why the hot flushes hit, but no other symptoms beforehand. I can be just going about my day, I was when these 2 attacks hit. I hope it's just anxiety but I've suffered anxiety most of my adult life and not had the hot flushes in face before:(