View Full Version : Feeling extremely suicidal.......

31-10-12, 13:30
I can explain why I am feeling this way, but I would go on forever about it. I'm having issues that are constantly happening and won't go away. I fear there will be no solution to my problems and that they will be there for life, which I won't put up with. I feel like such a failure and a useless burden to the world. I don't have any friends, but I have family, which is the most important thing to me. I'm constantly thinking, "If I'm gone, I won't need to suffer anymore". BUT, I'm holding back. I DON'T want to see my family in pain and suffer from the same depression I have, it's just selfish and cruel. I love my family too much to do such a thing.

So you see, I'm in a bit of a dilemma here...

I've been referred to a psychiatrist but I fear even they won't be able to help this severe depression. I've seen countless mentors and councillors in the past and it's done nothing to help me. I feel bad because I just wasted all of their time..

I have health issues (physically and mentally) and everyone, even the doctors assume it's anxiety related when I know most of my issues aren't. Which is just depressing me even more.

I don't have anyone to talk to.... My parents get fed up of my constant crying and complaining about depression and my health anxiety. So, I can't discuss this with them again..

I just don't know what to do.... :weep::weep:

31-10-12, 14:26
Oh you poor thing. im so sorry your feeling this way. depression is one horrible illness and because you cant physically see it like say a broken leg people often dont believe it which makes it all the more difficult. Are you on medication? There are lots of differn't types and maybe you have just not found the right one for you. I would suggest going back to your doctor and expalining exactly how your feeling. Also you could possibly ring the samaritans for someone to talk to. Hope this helps alittle bit :)

31-10-12, 15:06
Oh you poor thing. im so sorry your feeling this way. depression is one horrible illness and because you cant physically see it like say a broken leg people often dont believe it which makes it all the more difficult. Are you on medication? There are lots of differn't types and maybe you have just not found the right one for you. I would suggest going back to your doctor and expalining exactly how your feeling. Also you could possibly ring the samaritans for someone to talk to. Hope this helps alittle bit :)

Hiya kt79, thank you very much for the reply. :)

I agree with you completely, people often think I'm making it all up and stuff, which depresses me even more. :weep: They say I look 'fine' but as you said, since it's a mental thought, no one can see it.

I've been referred to a psychiatrist which will take weeks, but I don't mind. As long as I get seen eventually, I'll be alright. :) I just hope I can finally get out of this depression before I do end up harming myself...

Thank you for making me feel better. I appreciate it. :)

01-11-12, 16:34
I have been feeling very down this week mainly because I am lonely. You mention you have no friends which must be awful, I do have friends but rarely see them and that is what makes me feel so down. I saw them last weekend and so now will probably be ages before it happens again.

I know that my life is not as bad as others and I should be grateful but somedays it is very hard to go on. I had a traumatic year breaking up with my girlfriend and being on my own has hit me hard.

With the help of councelling I hope that you feel better soon. I have been told I should seek some as well.

01-11-12, 16:52
Hello Bakerboy3685!

I am so sorry to hear about your break up with your partner! I understand how awful you must have felt.

Since I'm mostly depressed nowadays, I prefer to be on my own anyway as harsh as that sounds. I just don't want to cry on other peoples shoulders all the time. :(

I've been referred to a psychiatrist but I have no idea when I will be seen.

Thanks for your reply.