View Full Version : Male with painful small bump on nipple!

31-10-12, 14:37
I just discovered this a few hours ago.

There's this small bump on my left nipple. More specifically it's on the areola (the dark skin around the nipple).

It's quite sore to touch and I really cannot see anything on the surface.

My rational mind is thinking that this could be just ingrown hair. My nipples are a bit hairy as I am a male.

I am a 22 year old male and I feel like this is breast cancer or something! :(

31-10-12, 14:57
It sounds like it could be caused by a hair follicle and should go soon.

01-11-12, 10:51
Thank you, Annie.

I'm still worried a bit. If it's painful, does that count as a good sign?

01-11-12, 11:02
You could try putting a warm compress on it. It sounds like a sebaceous cyst. Read this then you can see if it sounds like it...but don't google anything yourself! http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000842.htm

02-11-12, 15:14
Thanks again, annie. I'm still scared out of my wits.

Anyone had a similar experience?

02-11-12, 15:18
I really think that you should go to see your doctor and have him check it...that is the only way you can be really reassured. :hugs: