View Full Version : I don't know how to feel any more

31-10-12, 19:02
Excuse the vagueness of this post but I really need some advice and have no idea where left to turn

I've been suffering from health anxiety since june after a relationship ended and my band disbanded, both were two important parts of my life, I got myself into a bit of a depressive state and soon enough I had my first panic attack which I thought was an aneurysm/brain tumour etc, I had a bout of health anxiety for about 2 months which wasn't unbearable but It seriously hindered my life, however I wasn't worrying 24/7, things started to look up when I got myself a job interview and started to have a better social life, but then the health anxiety suddenly became almost debilitating, I couldn't be alone as I feared something might happen and there wouldn't be anyone there to phone an ambulance, etc. I got put on a low dose of clomipramine which had mild side effects, I eventually got the job and the tablets took the edge off the anxiety and I was able to function pretty normally within 2-3 weeks of going on them, however about 6 weeks in the anxiety started to come back, at the time I just thought It was bad side effects from the meds but in hindsight it was just increased anxiety, I then did a pretty stupid thing, Instead of getting my dose increased I came off the meds altogether, and for a week, I felt very normal as I'd just started a new college course I apsoloutely loved, my parents were due to go away for the week which I felt I could manage, but within 2 days of them being gone a strange feeling came over me, the world just stopped looking real, I felt hopeless and lost and couldn't function on my own, I ended up admitting myself to hospital 3 times over the course of the week but they'd keep sending me home, my parents had to come home early which really put a downer on my dad who has serious depression and is on very strong medication, my mam also has cancer and has to look after both me and my dad and I'm not sure she can cope some of the time.

within a few days of my parents getting back this weird feeling reached tipping point and bizzarely went away for about 3 weeks, thinking I was okay I went to the psychiatrist and they said to be on the safe side I'd have to go in for a CBT course as they assumed what I had was anxiety, I went away and things were okay for a while. started to get back into my music, the strange feeling ( what I assume was DR ) went away, I obviously didn't feel 100% but I was getting much better, then about 2 weeks ago things just dipped totally, it came on again as suddenly as last time and it felt much worse, my memory has been apsoloutely fried, I can't engage in the simplest of tasks, I think about my problem 100% of the time and it's really wearing me down, I went back to the psychiatrist and requested medication but they said they didn't think I need it, as what I have doesn't seem to fit in any of the categories, ( anxiety, OCD, Depression ) I don't think i'm going mad, I don't think I'm dying ( although could what I have be symptoms of a brain tumour ) I highly doubt I'll develop psychosis, Thinking logically nothing could possibly happen, just living seems so hard at the moment, I can totally function, go to work, go to college, excersize, I'm doing literally everything the psychiatrist is telling me to do and nothing helps, conciousness is just so painful and nothing makes it any better.

This is a big question to ask, but what should I do? I can easily go back to my GP in the morning who can put me straight back on my old meds, or possibly try some new ones, It'll take months to get another appointment with the psychiatrist to request medication and I can't wait that long, I have intermittent meetings with a psychologist who seems to be more interested in my parents than me, and the CBT doesn't seem to be working as i'm not avoiding anything, have no coping strategies, I just don't know what to do any more, thanks for listening.

31-10-12, 20:29

I don't know if I can help but I just wanted you to know I read your post and say Hi. It sounds like you have a lot to deal with in terms of your mum and dad's health so no wonder you're feeling so mixed up and anxious. We all need a bit of help and support in life and taking meds isn't a sign of weakness, it's just a case of finding the right one that's the problem...something I'm having issues with as we speak! I would go and see your doc and discuss the meds options, if the one you took before worked then try it again but stick with it, don't stop them just because you feel a bit better, just use them to get you back on an even keel again. Don't despair you can feel better, I speak from experience.

01-11-12, 15:20
Thanks for the reply, What scares me is that the problem is uncertain, will meds really help, could it be physical, i'm starting to get really tired and get some pretty nasty headaches too, I'm not sure if I should go back on an increased dose of my old meds or try some new ones, mabye CIT?

01-11-12, 19:19
I do know how you feel. I am currently trying to find the right med for me and when you wake up every day and still feel awful you wonder if it will ever get better. The docs just say you have to try different meds to find the right one but they aren't going through it. I was on Citalapram for a few years and they really did work but sadly I started to get panic attacks again a few months back and as I was on the max dose I had to try something else...which is where I'm at now. Still feeling the anxiety tho, there isn't a quick fix unfortunately, it's a nitemare isn't it? I'm sure it isn't a physical illness you have it's just the anxiety manifesting itself in physical symptoms. Problem is then of course you get anxious thinking you do have some serious illness, it's a vicious circle. I think we all have to believe that there is a solution, it's just not as easy to find as we would like! You have nothing to lose by having a chat with your doc, I am going back to see mine next week so we can compare notes :)