View Full Version : Day 3 Escitilopram New SSRI user

silent bob
01-11-12, 00:41
not so bad today switched from night to day had 20mg Ecsotilopram this morning before work... mega space cadet and weird sensations/thoughts but a bit of a more positive mood... super super tired... spaceing in and out alot... but at least i got a giggle at myself this morning, was standing at the traffic lights and could hear music and was looking around to see where it was coming from... turns out i was wearing headphones LOL! cant wait for the spacey/dreamy/unrealistic feelings to go though

01-11-12, 01:54
He he... Sounds like me when I am looking everywhere for my glasses.. I usually find they are on top of my head :doh: Keep thinking positive and the other symptoms should go over the next couple of weeks :) x

01-11-12, 14:11
I'm not second guessing your doctor, but I got to be honest here. 20 mg is a really high dose to start out on. Most people start at 5 mg or even 10 mg and over time work themselves up to 15mg or 20 mg if required. I'm new to this drug also, i just started out on 5 mg and for the first week or so i felt a wee bit spacey, but nothing close to what you are describing. Chances are if he started you out on 5 mg or 10 mg daily you would be able to function a whole lot better with a lot less side effects.

Good Luck.


01-11-12, 22:55
I started on a quarter of a 5mg tablet and worked my way up in quarters to 10mg taken me 6 months ! 20mg is a ridiculously high dose to start on !!!!! My doctor wanted me to start on 5mg thats what he advises all patients to start on. Many people have found 5mg is all they need to control their anxiety. Talk to your doctor again or get a second opinion !
It is hard starting out but they do really help eventually xxx

silent bob
01-11-12, 23:58
yeah im unsure why i started out on such a high dosage and im on mood stabilizers aswell... all i know is its makin me feel like im in a different dimension... might go back and see him n see if i should lower it a bit, so not feeling right

02-11-12, 12:24
I'd go see or call your doctor as soon as possible. Please don't think i'm telling you what to do, but if i was in your shoes i'd probably lower it to 10 mg on my own. i think in a day or two you would feel much better. You are only at 4 days.

Just my opinion, but call your doctor.


07-11-12, 12:25

I'm on day 3 of escitalopram and have had slight unsteadiness and little blurred vision (not sure if this is the meds or the anxiety) I'm on 5mg.

I took citalopram 7 years ago following a breakdown and was on 20mg and really struggled with side effects that's why I asked to start on a low dose this time.

20-11-12, 12:36
I've just got a bad head Mrs G and have been on 2.5mg's for a week and moved up to 5mg's on Sunday night. I felt anxious yesterday but today seem alot better, it's just the heachache for me and low mood but that's improving as the day goes along.

I was on normal Citalopram 3 times in the past and I was an anxious wreck for weeks all day long until the meds finally settled. I've tried 4 other ad's this year but none of then helped at all so knew i had to go back on Cit but am so so glad my doctor put me on Cipralex, the newer version as it'sso much easier to tolerate. All the best of luck getting well xxx

22-11-12, 14:52
I remember the first week i was on Cipralex. It almost felt like i was wearing some kind of sweat band on my head. Just a weird pressure feeling around my head. It went away though.
