View Full Version : dont know anymore

01-11-12, 09:08
im on week 2 and a half on my setreline had a good couple of dasys on and off and 4 the past 2 ays im feeling panicky and anxious its on my mind all the time epecally wen i wake up i keep telling myself its going to end but not so sure got all sorts goig through my mind:weep:

01-11-12, 09:12
It's early days yet for your medication to have a positive effect on you. You've come this far, don't give up, stay strong.:)

05-11-12, 01:48
Try not to worry. I was on Sertraline and I didn't start to feel better until about four weeks in, so it's still early days yet. It did help me a lot in the end, but I did have a lot of anxiety and swings up and down while I waited for it to have it's full effect.

Tyke :)