View Full Version : Small blister bubble on inside cheek

01-11-12, 10:37
I've had this recurring clear blister bubble (small) on the inside of my cheek but below the teeth line. It started a week or so ago and I've got rid of it once using TCP and then undertook paranoid checking to prove that it was totally 100% gone within no mark or blister. Now it's back again in the same place!

Has anyone had any experience of this? Please help!

01-11-12, 10:45
It sounds like it could be an ulcer which can recur. Maybe you are biting the side of your mouth there without realising?

01-11-12, 11:11
It sounds like it could be an ulcer which can recur. Maybe you are biting the side of your mouth there without realising?

Thanks for the reply! The thing is it's not like any ulcer I've ever seen. It is like a tiny bubble or blister that is totally clear. For once google came up with something positive though and this sounds like it. (I popped a diazepam and risked a search).


01-11-12, 11:19
Yes it does sound like that...as least you know it is nothing to worry about :)

01-11-12, 11:26
Yes, I'm definately relieved, but you know how it can be....that nasty voice in yoru head doesn't let you dismiss it straight away. I'll have to stop messing around with it or I'll make it worse!:blush:

02-11-12, 14:47
I have something like that come up now and then when I get muscular tension in the muscle front of shoulder. When tension goes , so does the mouth irritation..

04-11-12, 16:08
it could be a mucus cyst, i have one under my tongue ... looks like a bubble, for a while it would pop and come back but now it just stays. nothing to worry about at all!

04-11-12, 23:26
Thanks you both. Mine just goes and pops back again. Very odd. But I will stop worrying. Thank you!