View Full Version : Otitis externa making me anxious

01-11-12, 13:01
I guess I should really go over to the Introduce Myself forum and give a proper introduction! I've been suffering from anxiety issues for quite a few years now, coupled with mild depression. Lately I feel it has become worse; my health has generally been OK but nowadays I seem to imagine that the slightest of symptoms will have catastrophic outcomes and I can't seem to shake it off.

Anyway for some weeks now I had been having slightly muffled hearing in one ear. It flared up in a big way the day I left on holiday, I heard a dull humming noise in my ear and it felt blocked, like my hearing was partially affected. Strangely enough, after one day, it subsided and the next day everything was fine and I was able to enjoy my holiday as if nothing had happened.

Upon returning home, the humming/blocked hearing started again and worsened quite rapidly. I could hear it out in the street and I became so anxious that I didn't sleep a wink for 2 nights... as it happened over a weekend and I couldn't see a GP until Monday! Anyway I got myself an appointment and scooted over to the GP, who said that my ear was very blocked with impacted ear wax. He cleared it out manually (thank goodness as I hate syringing!) and then said my ear canal looked pretty sore, with a touch of otitis externa (external ear infection). He gave me both oral antibiotics (for a few days) as well as antibiotic ear drops for 7 days. I felt pretty relieved with the ear wax gone and came home, took the oral antibiotics but ignored the ear drops as I didn't know how to administer them properly myself.... I couldn't tell how many drops I was putting in.

Anyway that turned out to be a bad idea, because a day later, suddenly the humming started up again, and I quickly became half-deaf in my ear. I rang the doctor, didn't tell him that I didn't use the ear drops, and he just said to continue using them for a few more days. So I dutifully started using the ear drops. Oddly enough, within a day, the whole thing felt like it cleared up. My hearing was back to normal, I no longer felt full in the ear. All this while, I didn't really experience much ear pain, only very occasional pangs of fleeting sharp pain that would go away quickly, so I never realised it was an ear infection. I started thinking about all sorts of scenarios like I was suddenly losing my hearing to some unknown cause, or something terrible and undiagnosable, but not an ear infection! Working out it was a simple ear infection alleviated my anxiety a good deal - I know, I must sound like a basket case to you!

Anyway after 7 days I discontinued the ear drops but continued feeling a bit anxious about what would happen once I stopped them. I was never really sure I was using them properly every time, but I guess at least half the time, the drops went in properly! Anyway a day later, the humming/blocked feeling started up again. It's only very minor but it's enough to send me into a spiral of anxiety.... worrying why the infection hasn't gone away, and why NHS websites always say that otitis externa should clear up within a week with treatment, etc.etc.etc.... I know it sounds crazy but ... am I crazy to feel this way??? Right now it's not extremely uncomfortable yet but I know it's there and I keep worrying that it will get worse and my ear drum will rupture or something without my realising it (does that happen with external ear infections?)...

Has anyone had this happen to them before?
Tell me I'm just crazy! ;) It has happened before!


01-11-12, 14:29
Hi I suffered with this condition for 10 years its nothing to worry about it can become very painfull . The problem is finding a doctor that knows what their doing I get sent to the ent to the dressing clinic an they put dressings in your ears with anti inflammatorys on the dressing it dosent hurt an is such a relief antibiotics dosent work very well for this condition in drops hope you get sorted maybe ask your doctor about this good luck xx

01-11-12, 16:14
Lisa, thanks so much for replying! Gosh, you suffered it for 10 years?!! Off and on, or was it chronic?? Did the doctor say why it keeps happening?

I really don't know if my GP is really any good at diagnosing these ear problems. I know I went to a GP once (don't see her anymore!) who completely missed an ear infection I had and OK'ed me to take a plane flight (I had earache and wanted to know if it was ok to fly). So, that plane flight was excruciatingly painful! When I got home, another GP immediately diagnosed an ear infection - what the??

Right now my otitis externa doesn't cause me much pain, just blocked ears but that can be very irritating and my mind goes off on all sorts of wild tangents. Anyway thanks again for responding, I'll see what my doc says when he calls me back!

01-11-12, 17:06
Ask to be referred to ent if the doctor dosent sort it for you when you wash your hair use cotton wool dipped in Vaseline to stop water getting in an don't put cotton buds down your ear don't worry though I no it's hard because it can get really painfull even my jaw can be a bit sore with it touch wood I haven't had a flare up for 12 months xx

01-11-12, 22:02
My GP called me back. He's referring me to an ENT. Although I know this is the best course of action, I can't help but feel really nervous at the same time!!!!! I hope it will get sorted at last. The GP did say that otitis externa can be "tricky".

02-11-12, 10:34
Please don't worry even though it can be painfull an a pain in the backside it's nothing to worry over its just about getting the right treatment when you got to ent don't be afraid to ask about dressings for your ears an getting them done sounds mad but its lovely it a instant relief the dressing clinics in the ent their is usually no waiting list you just get a letter from you doctor go down an get in the que good luck but please don't worry xx