View Full Version : Hi

01-11-12, 19:09
I need some help, or somewhere to vent, or something and i was recommended this site.

I've had depression and social anxiety disorder for most of my life, i'm 20 and currently unemployed and not in college.

About a year and a half ago I was kind of messed around by a girl i was with for 2 years. I left college for her and leaving college resulted in my dad being disappointed and trying to take his own life. I couldnt handle the guilt and became distant from her tho it was a temporary thing and I thought we'd be fine after but instead she left me. I ended up overdosing and only surviving because a worried friend took the initiative to contact my family who got to me in time.

It took me a long time to get over her but I did and 4 months ago I met a wonderful girl who just seemed to understand me, we got on great. We fell in love and everything was going amazing, or so i thought, she broke up with me yesterday completely out of the blue.

I realise this reads as "kid sad after break ups" but it's not that. It's the overall feeling that every single time i get happy, get healthy and get on the road to being a "normal" person, something like this sets me back 10 steps and I'm sick of it. I'm truly alone, SAnD makes it impossible to make friends, i have none, my dad i cant talk to, my mum doesnt understand, psychiatrists seem to spout cliches that are from a book and not specific to my problem.

I'm just tired of getting my hopes up for nothing and feel dangerously close to quitting

01-11-12, 19:19
Hi signalfire

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

amber angel
03-11-12, 01:11
Keep strong! It sounds like you need to take time to find yourself, get better and start figuring out what you might want to do e.g college. I know its hard to even think about that stuff now so just focus on getting better. There is nothing worse than feeling a lack of purpose. Forget about girls.... you will find the right one. Just try and keep busy and do the things you love! Hope this helps :hugs:

03-11-12, 06:26
Please don't give up, you have been through so much and you are still here, that is because of your own strength of mind! There will be good times and bad, that is what life is all about, it's a rollercoaster ride.

Try and get yourself back in to full time education, that way you can make some new friends and will have a purpose in life once again.

If your parents don't understand, there is little you can do about that, but you will get support here, there are a lot of kind and understanding people at NMP.

Take care.:hugs:

03-11-12, 09:32
signalfire, timothy is right. let it all out of your system, there are many that will help.