View Full Version : first one in a while!

april tones
07-06-04, 21:25
hi all, as some of you might know i havent had panic attacks for ages and can cope quite well with them now.(years of experience, ha ha). Well i woke up last night with heart racing fast and felt really strange and heavy, put it down to panic attack, maybe half asleep or fully asleep. Strange as i been happy.Then today i went for interview at mencap where i worked before had baby, i wasnt nervous but felt tight chested and couldnt get much air in, down to asthma and hayfever i think, then as i was talking i felt like i had froze and couldnt speak, like someone pushed pause button and my hands went really sweaty and felt really dizzy with strange sensations in my head. I told my self its ok, its a panic attack, it went but for first time in ages i did think was it p.a or was it because i only eat yoguart and it was half 11 to 12? i had biscuit and glass of water and started to feel better. When i was in interview my hands were shaking and i also had pins and needles in wrists when i moved them, like when you knock funny bone in arm. Really weird, i also was talking in interview and forgot what i was saying, how embarressing! not sure if this was panic attack or because i hadnt ate? any ideas? love april x


07-06-04, 21:42
Hi April

Sounds like a panic attack to me, thats how i feel but dont suppose it will have helped much if you had only had a yogurt to eat. Even though you felt you didnt feel anxious last night, subconciously you must have had some worry about the interview. I hate that part of panic attacks when you feel dizzy because i always feel my body has left my head, if you get what i mean. Hope you are feeling a lot better now, and dont worry about talking in the interview and forgot what you are saying. People who conduct the interviews know how nervous people can be and interviews can never truly reflect the true person.

Take care

Sal xxxx

07-06-04, 22:08
Hi April,

I agree with Sal, although you may have not felt anxious you probably were subconsciously. Your symptoms definetly sound like PA and anxiety related to me...tight chest, dizzy, pins and needles etc. Dont worry about the interview as you may never see these people again and as Sal says everyone gets nervous in interviews. I interview people on a daily basis and I have had people taking choking fits etc during the inteview due to their nerves and I dont think any worse of them.

You have doen so well recently coping with your anxiety so you know you can get on top of it again. Make sure you do enough relaxation and look after yourself and you will be fine again.

Take care


07-06-04, 22:12
April ,

Hardly funny... Your body knew you were going for an interview..

'I told my self its ok, its a panic attack, it went' - brilliantly coped with April..Well done

'not sure if this was panic attack or because i hadnt ate? any ideas?'
Being nervous uses up loadsa energy and you ran out of ready energy . A yoghurt isn't enough use to man or beast from breakfast till 12MD when on the move and energized . I'm not suprised at all . You had a hypoglycaemic inspired panic attack whilst nervous.

You might want to take a peek at First Steps sometime.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

07-06-04, 22:21

I skipped breakfast last week whilst on holiday and boy did it knock me for six. We didn't eat until 3pm and I was feeling very dizzy, light-headed and generally anxious. 30 mins after eating I was fine. Now I know that I need to eat regualrly so it was my own fault but we went to a zoo and wanted to see 2 feedings before we ate. I did suffer for a while but was fine once I had eaten.

Try to eat regularly and more than just a yoghurt.


08-06-04, 08:50

I'm the same. Even if I don't feel hungry, I always have bowl of cereal for breakfast or I would be passing out by mid morning!!

Most important meal of the day!

Kate x

08-06-04, 11:25
I agree, even when my tummy is bad with the anxiety I have to eat breakfast.
how did you feel the interview went?
love Tess

08-06-04, 13:24
When anxiety or panic sets in or going through a blip the way your ready energy is made and stored is put into disarray .

Having anxiety or panic really uses up energy so it is really worthwhile to eat something about every 3 hours.

Nut mixes and dried fruit are brilliant as they give you short, medium and long term energy. Sugar laden stuff will only give you short term highs which will then crash and make you feel worse later.

If you are acute, try going to 6 tiny feeds a day rather than the usual 3. This is not an excuse to eat more - just to change when you eat....


april tones
08-06-04, 14:47
hi all, thanks for advice. I do normally eat breakfast but had a full feeling in tummy and it was so hot,. i did have some today and have felt better. What do you think it was when i felt funny in the night? funny dream or something that woke me up and set heart racing? I should know better as to how worn out you feel after p.a so like you said i felt worse as i hadnt any energy, thanks all for wonderful replys. Think i have the job, its a wonderful job as i worked there before, i just need to do crb check as i have break in employement, il keep you all posted, love april x


08-06-04, 18:05
Hiya April,

Great coping mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You did grande.

So happy to hear you feel you got the job, as it is something you really enjoy.

Hope you are feeling much better today. ;)

Try to arm yourself with more than a yogurt though won`t you ? LOL........... ;)

We sufferers need all the 'energy' we can get. As being nervous and on the go can use up quite a bit of it.

Take care of yourself dear.

The symptoms you described are the very same ones I get when I have`nt eaten in awhile, and I am diabetic. So I agree with Meg.

Post to let us know how you get on with the job and how you are feeling. ;)

Take care all,

Diana xxx