View Full Version : hey new to this

01-11-12, 20:02
I've been having panic attacks and anxiety attacks for about 5 years now. At first when started having them the completely ruined my life and I couldn't leave the house for 6 months. Everyone around me called me a hypochondriac and said I was just trying to get attention, silly as they had no idea what I was feeling inside. I've managed to control my panic attacks somewhat and if they do happen I'm aware that I'm not going to die so they're not too bad anymore. It's my anxiety that I can't get a control over, I'm so paranoid in every situation and I'm always expecting the worst to happen even if I'm just sat having a meal.. I always have to know my exits. So I've been going to the doctors for years over it and be refusing medication because I was scared I might be the one that has that very uncommon side affect. Finally this year I took my doctors advice and went on mirtazapine 15 then 30 and now I'm on 45mg and I'm quite comfortable but still have my crazy thoughts about dying in the most bizarre situations. I went back to the doctors and said they're helping with my sleep and somewhat with my anxiety but not enough I'm happy with so he put me on risperidone 0.5mg which my heart race like mad so then he put me on quetapine and that made me violently sick. Anybody else got any other ideas? I sometimes also get the feeling that everything around me isn't real and I'm imagining it.. I hope this is a normal sign of anxiety because it freak me out

01-11-12, 20:07
Hi. Sorry I am not familiar with your meds, are they ssris? Cbt is a great thing that you should look into, your gp can refer you. X

01-11-12, 20:12
Hi davidmorgan2012

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-11-12, 20:14
I take Mirtazapine 45mg and started having intrusive thoughts and horrific nightmares, just like yourself. I was prescribed Amitriptyline to take along side and it did the trick, I am not cured, but a lot better.:)

01-11-12, 20:21
I have no idea what an ssris is lol I'm unfamiliar with it all. Do you have crazy dreams of mirtazapine I literally wake up and wonder if it's true or not it seems so real

01-11-12, 22:44
Hi, this sounds like me! Words like 'hypochondriac' and 'attention seeker' are probably the most hurtful words someone can say to someone with anxiety/depression. My aunty said to me once "I've got no sympathy for ya, pull yourself together". She couldnt have said anything worse to me. She might aswell have said "heres the rope, go and hang yourself".
Anyway, I take citalopram 30mg. I've had my dosage increased a couple of times but I find them quite easy going. I had a side effect of gastritis which is painful but it cleared within a day.

All the best :)

01-11-12, 23:06
I tried citalopram a few years ago and I didn't like them as they kept me awake when I was already having 2 or 3 hours a night sleep anyways. Funny you happened to write about gastritis because I was diagnosed with it yesterday and now I'm wondering maybe it's linked with mirtazapine?