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01-11-12, 20:33
I was currently on 40mg of citalopram, got changed to sertraline, and now changed to amitrypalyn however you spell it but I wasn't allowed to have a tablet for 3days in order to start my new ones today is my last day of 'no tablet' and I feel asif my heart or my bodys just stopping and it feels so horrible, I just wanna cry :( please someone tell me they've had this???

01-11-12, 22:38
I was on Citalopram, then Venlafaxine, THEN changed to Sertraline...my body decided to offer up some strange sensations, like mini electric shocks, as a protest, quite alarming but it's just your body adjusting so hang in there it will pass.

01-11-12, 23:59
What did the electric shock things feel like? I've since had panic attacks :( and I feel so horrible it unreal :( ii hope u feel better soon too x

02-11-12, 09:21
Well it's hard to describe but it was a bit like a a hiccup and a small jolt to your body so it sounds like it could be similar to you maybe? Anxiety and panic attacks are truly awful, you end up in a vicious cycle of both as one feeds the other. I am sorry to hear you are suffering :( Why did you have to change meds and have you started your new ones yet?

02-11-12, 18:06
Yeah I'm sure it is the same, todays been worse :( my doctore changed my meds due to increase of my self harming unfort, r u feeling any better thanks for replying always makes me feel abit better...x

02-11-12, 19:48
Ahh it's always good to share experiences, makes you realise you're not alone and not going mad! I'm not too bad, just accepting that it will take a bit of time to get back on an even keel which is not ideal but we have to believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel eh? Have you started your new meds yet?

02-11-12, 20:53
I spose we do :( just I have this so long I'm starting to give up hope, I start them tonight just before bed I'm gonna take it before I go to bed just incase I have side effects I'm scared to take it xx

02-11-12, 22:27
Don't ever give up hope! I had many years free of panic on Citalopram so it can be done. I do understand how you feel believe me cos I'm having to start from scratch again and who knows if the Sertraline doesn't do the job I will have to go thru the same thing with another med which I do NOT want to do. I hope you're ok and have a good night's sleep. Let me know how you get on ok xx

03-11-12, 14:55
Yeah I was on citalopram, helped me at first and then nothing, I had sertraline too witch didn't really help me so now these, today I feel worse :( litrally, I'm so scared slightest noise I'm jumping, I hope all goes okay, how's sertraline with you? Is it helping at all yet? I hope you overcome this again, things have just got to get better sooner or later I sposee xx

03-11-12, 20:04
Aww sorry to hear you're not having a good day, all these meds do take time to kick in unfortunately and often they make you feel worse initially. Lots of people on here have said that their anxiety was worse in the first week or so of Sertraline...I would agree with that. I do feel better now apart from the stomach issue which I hope will settle in the next week or so. Just try and take one day at a time that's what I do, don't think too far ahead :) xx