View Full Version : Hi Everyone

01-11-12, 22:37
Hi everyone, I'm Kaylee.

I was with my little boys dad for just about 5 years, on and off. We were due to get married September 2011. In the April, we both decided enough was enough and called it a day. He moved back to his home town where we both met and after about a month, he started seeing a girl I knew from his home town. I was quite fine with that, very grown up and civil about it. After about 2 months of them being together, they decided to get their own private rented house. I was a bit baffled by how quickly they were moving, considering his girlfriend had daughter the same age as our son, he seemed to spend more time with her than he did with our own son. Anyways, I always kept things civil between us and let them get on with it. I always had in my head that it wouldn't work out because of his attitude with women. He beat me up once just before I found out I was pregnant. Don't ask me why I kept going back, because I honestly don't know.

End of November 2011, I had a random phonecall off his mother at 8.30am asking if I'd heard off him, which I hadn't. She'd said him and his girlfriend had a 'domestic' the night before and he'd gone off threatening to kill himself. Normally whenever he's in trouble, he turns up in my town, on my doorstep.
At this point, I was at work so I didn't know exactly what had gone on. Rumours were flying around all over the place, saying he'd beat up his girlfriend and her little girl. I thought surely not?! I knew he was aggressive but surely he wouldn't hit an innocent little girl??
Apparently the police had called into my workplace just after I finished my shift to ask me if I'd heard off him. Obviously I wasn't there so I didn't meet with the police until my dads friend seen them knocking on my door. He'd let the police know I was at my nans house round the corner so they come there. Thats when I found out exactly what had happened the night before. They told me that both his girlfriend and her little girl had sustained significant injuries. They also said that he is nowhere to be seen. My first gut instinct was that he'd travelled to where I live 2hours up the road. The police advised me to stay with my family just incase he shown up on my doorstep for me and my son. After about 24hrs the police were adamant he was still in his town.... by this point, everyone in that town started jumping on the bandwagon including strangers, INSISTING they seen him. Where was he? HERE! All this time the police were adamant he was still down there, he wasnt, he was in my hometown, exactly where I said he'd go all along.

He'd handed himself in and apparently tried knocking on my door several times to "say goodbye" to his son.

He was sentenced in March this year and got an 8 year sentence and 4 on licence.

Now because of his complete utter horrific behaviour, my son no longer has a dad. I had my first panic attack on New years eve 2011, and I've been bad since. I'm pretty sure my anxiety has stemmed from this episode in my life. I'm completely scared of losing my loved ones, now more than ever. I'm also terrified of dying, leaving my son with nobody!!

My mum lives in Spain and I took my son over in June while I stayed with my friends down the road from hers. Instead of having a brilliant holiday, I have to say it was the worse holiday ever. My anxiety was so bad that I couldn't bare leaving my son and all I wanted to do was stay in with my son, mum and step dad. It got so bad one of the days, that I literally broke down crying cuz my mum wasn't at home. I've slipped into depression as a result of the anxiety and I'm really struggling to cope with everyday life. I'm NOT suicidal, my main fear is dying. But I struggle with going to work etc etc.

I'm sorry for the long winded story, I just thought I'd get a small background picture of me out there.

Thanks for reading. xx

01-11-12, 22:48
Hi kjm1987

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-11-12, 22:53
Hi :welcome: You have really gone through a difficult and stressful time. I am sure you will get lots of support with your anxiety here. x

04-11-12, 13:20
:welcome: You will receive a lot of support on here