View Full Version : Work is making me very anxious and stressed again!

02-11-12, 00:45
So I've been working in a department store for over a month now and it hasn't been great for my first part time job tbh.
First off I started getting bullied by one of the supervisors and everyone else was just really rude to me, my final straw was last week when I got told off majorly for accidently opening the till, I honestly don't know what I did but she just kept on shouting at me and the other woman who was in her 50's was shouting at me as well, I thought she would've known better really they both made me feel about an inch tall so I just said I'm going and walked off in floods of tears. The worst part is no one bothered asking me if I was alright, I was just left to walk to the bus stop in the dark by myself crying and I just got so angry and upset as I've done nothing wrong at all, I feel all my life I've been bullied apart from in college which I love I'm just so upset I'm working in a place full of cruel, horrible people.
The worst bit of all this is I have still not been paid despite my pay day being last week, I rang up Human Resources and apparently I wrote my sort code number wrong despite me writing in in clear numbers for them to see, they rang me up on Wednesday to say my money will be going in on Friday, its now Friday (well 42 minutes into Friday) and still no money in my bank account. I keep refreshing my online banking and there's nothing there, I'm so infuriated I know its still early and it could still go in but its so bloody upsetting, I feel I'm being taken for a right mug :weep:
I don't know how much I can take. I want to work on a make-up counter but I need more retail experience which is what I'm doing but I just can't help but think I have far too much talent with my make-up (I really hope that didn't sound big headed :( ) to be stacking rails, I know everyone has to start somewhere but it just seems that where I work if you're not full time or not thinking about becoming full time they're not interested and just don't care.
Can anyone help please? I just don't know what to do and I need the money so I can't just leave :\

02-11-12, 01:38
Do you work for debenhams?

02-11-12, 06:57
I would start applying for other jobs, there should be quite a few department stores taking on extra staff for the Christmas period, if you get your foot in the door, it could lead to a more permanent position. I really don't understand how fully grown adults can behave that way it is disgusting. Perhaps the other members of staff who did not come to your rescue are frightened of the supervisor who shouted at you. You could make a complaint to human resources they are usually very diplomatic, but that route could backfire on you. I wish you all the best.

02-11-12, 23:44
Like BobbyDog says, I would stick with it if you can but look round for other jobs. Bullying in the workplace is common. I've had bosses like that before and have moved on as soon as a possibility elsewhere has arisen. Decent supervisors know how to motivate people without resorting to those kind of tactics. Usually everyone else is scared of them too and are just relieved when they themselves are not in the bully's sights. Part-time staff can be unfairly discriminated against, but it is not like that everywhere. An employer that has a high quota of part-timers is more likely to treat them equally than one that has a big majority of full-time staff backed up by a handful of part-timers.

It sounds like your pay was a genuine mix up so try not to get too upset about this - has it now gone through? First payments often go wrong, but once it is set up right you should be okay.

Hope things get better for you.

Tyke :)

03-11-12, 23:43
Thank you for your replies, my pay did go through which eased some of my stress a bit but I still get really upset when I'm in work even when the people I don't get along with aren't on I just feel like I don't fit in at all, I went into another department store today to buy some makeup to cheer myself up I thought I deserved it after the few weeks I've had :( And I just felt so sad I couldn't be doing what they're doing, I know it sounds pathetic and its all about learning to walk before you can run and all that business but its something I'm so genuinely enthusiastic about. I have applied for jobs in other stores just to keep me sane until I find something on a makeup counter but haven't had much luck, had the usual "Sorry your application wasn't succesful" e-mails.
And also the girl who is the worst to me is actually 2 years younger than me I think it just disgusts me how she thinks she can talk to me like garbage, in fact it disgusts me how anyone can talk to anybody like that and just not care.

oh no_1
04-11-12, 00:54
ive had bullying in the work place really bad all linked to depression so i understand where u r coming from :(

04-11-12, 15:45
Hi miniholly

If staff in this store are able to get away with speaking to you in this way then I dont think they are a very good company to work for!!

I would bide your time and in that time look for something else...at the moment people are recruiting for Christmas??

Hope something works out for you.


19-11-12, 20:17
Just an update.
It hasn't got much better, in fact its gotten worse.
I rang up today in college to ask when I'm next working as I forgot to make a note of them as I wasn't very well and I got shouted at saying the rota's been up for 4 weeks now, well how was I supposed to know! They just expect me to know everything and talk to me like I'm stupid which Im not!! Anyway they didn't tell me my shifts so erm that was nice.
Anyway I asked one of my colleagues on Facebook to check for me but shes not in so she told me to text them instead and ask but no reply so I'm taking this as a hint they don't want me there I just genuinely don't have the energy for this anymore sick of getting messed about so if they ring tomorrow I'm just going to say I quit because I'm sick of getting treated like a mug. I just don't think its very fair and if they don't want me to work there whats the problem in just saying I'm fired?