View Full Version : Sleep Issues, insomnia, anxiety

02-11-12, 09:21
Hi all,

I haven't been on here for a while as have had some changes in my life, such as moving house, and have been feeling quite well and thought I was very much on the road to recovery.
The one thing however that really bothers me and seems to effect my overall state is the fact that since this bout of anxiety started (beginning of the year) it's either taking forever to fall asleep or I wake up a couple of hours after dropping off and then lying awake for hours. FYI in my 23 years I have always been a really good sleeper. I can't work it out as I don't have racing thoughts but by now I think I have built up such a fear of not being able to sleep (especially with my partner snoring beside me) It's actually become a bit of an obsession and I often find that when I'm lying awake is when I feel most anxious and panicky and really convince myself of the most terrifying things.
Does anyone else get this? I feel like I've fallen into a vicious cycle. I also worry about not feeling tired 'like everyone else' and thinking that something worse is wrong with me. I only really get that tired feeling in the morning.
Thanks for reading, any advice or reassurance would be great :)

02-11-12, 10:22
I have always battled with insomnia myself and can relate to your symptoms. Try Valerian, it is available from pharmacies and health food stores. It worked for me.

02-11-12, 13:46
I've had this many times in the past. The worst thing you can do is lie there worrying about not sleeping. If you're not asleep within half an hour, you should get up and read a book or something and only go back to bed when you feel really tired. I also find listening to relaxation MP3s helps me get off to sleep.

02-11-12, 15:05
Thanks for the replies and advice guys. Always nice to know you're not alone x