View Full Version : Is this my life now

02-11-12, 10:57
Now over five months on sertraline and yes thought at times getting there but going through another blip and feel like losing it again.
I'm on a 100mg for last three months, I'm on holiday and really struggling to pull myself out of it.

I really love my family and normally a positive person but don't know how much more I can take with this constant fear hanging around me.
Last few weeks although there was doing so well even managed to get a new job which I start monday and was looking forward to.

Has anyone else took this long for meds to even out ?

02-11-12, 14:22
Have you not improved at all? if not I would go back to your docs and speak to them. Maybe this med isn't the one for you.

If you have improved but its slow, this is quite common. It maybethat you may benefit from an increased dosage.

I have been on a different med for almost 2 year. In that time I have had many blips. This last year has been the best so far, with only minor anxiety on the odd occasion. It has taken me all that time though to get to what I class as a steady progress.

I would also advise CBT, i was skeptical about it and even at the time thought, how can this help but looking back it really has.

Try not to worry, 5 months really isn't a long time, I know it feels like a lifetime when you just want to feel "normal".

Take care :hugs:

02-11-12, 15:52
tracey sending you :hugs: you will get there hunni, you can do this , you have done so well getting your job, and your holiday, new job, worrying about your family will all be adding to the fear you are feeling just now.

i know what its like to have the constant negative thoughts rolling round your head, i think that when you get settled bck at home, and start your new job, you will feel better, ive been on ven since feb, and still have the odd days when im not great, and i dont like change, it sets my anxiety off, and like you i was a really positive outgoing person, but we will get there again. take it easy xxx

02-11-12, 16:08

I completely agree with Pink. It took me a good 3 months to feel settled on venlafaxine and I definitely still get ups and downs - I just find I can cope better with the downs now and they don't last as long.

You're doing everything you can to help yourself and you will improve. This isn't your life now and I know you won't settle for it like this. Stay positive and things will definitely work out. Good luck for Monday too - you'll love it!

Big :hugs: from me

Thinking of you

Pip xxx

02-11-12, 21:16
Ah thanks pink and pip
I'm home now and it's still lurking but it's never really far away for me and being as its five months thought I would have days where I don't think about it at all or is that bring optimistic?

quercus robur
08-11-12, 19:12
Hi good buddy , ive taking sertraline for 15 years between 50 and 100 mg, in my fairly experianced view sertraline is a good ssri but you have to be patient with it , also please remember sertraline will only help with the symptoms of a very human emotion but fundamentally the answers you so crave are within you , unplumb them with your mind with help if neccessary
have you considered meditation ? best wishes and always remember trouble is a tunnel through which we pass !