View Full Version : Feeling scared!!

02-11-12, 11:51
Today i went to the doctors after suffering from bad anxiety this last week i have also had to take time off work. i have been feeling quite bad with them. I've been to a walk in centre, rang 999 and been to my own doctor all in a week. I don't know if im setting my self off with these feelings or weather its something else but every now and again im getting this really scary sensation come over me. i feel very on edge right now and just don't feel good. the doctor is taking blood tests Monday and he has gave me 2 mg of tabs to take till my results come back. but im scared of having these tests done encased its something bad. what if its not panic/anxiety and its a disese i just wanted some strong pills to take these feelings away! Now im gonna panic bout that now!!!:'(

02-11-12, 12:01
sorry to hear your feeling rough, are u getting any palpitaions what is this feeling your getting ,is it a feeling of doom? im a major sufferer of health anxiety try and chill out the amount of times ive built a simple illness into something major, what medication have they given you ?

02-11-12, 12:19
Hi they have given me diazapam 2mg i can't see that doing anything tho. Right now important feeling very on edge and can't keep still. My head feels wired my eyes are funny and i have a numb sensation in my face. i look really drained and my pulse feels faint and keep having that doom feeling. its really scary. plus important getting other weird feelings its awful :'(

02-11-12, 12:39
all i can say is your gunna have to try and block these negative thoughts can u have a bath put some music on, that is a low dose of diazpam but if your not use to the drug it could work wonders so make sure u take it xx

02-11-12, 13:19
Excuse my bad spelling Its the predictive text on my phone. yes im going to take them when i get home. im going to take two instead of one as its so low. i have been walking around town trying to take my mind off it and it kind off easy off but i have know when i get home and start sitting it will start again. i wish there was something to cure these feelings it really ruins urn life!

02-11-12, 13:30
time is the cure i went a long time panic attack free but still felt anxious from time to time mainly down to alcahol , the reason why im anxious at the moment is i have had two big panic attacks in recent weeks so they are very fresh in my mind the longer i go without having another one the better i will get , the fact that your able to walk around town is a credit to you many people would have been in a taxi by now and tucked up in bed or even been at a hospitol keep strong , anxiety is a horrible thing but you have to believe you will beat it in the end , if you can try and beat it without getting addicted to meds, for me my anxiety got so bad i had to be on diazepam full time just to function i am now addicted to that drug and would have to go through hell to come of it . if i could turn back the clock i should have gone into a clinic to get better on a short term use of diazapam but the drs chose for me to do it at home and without it im stuffed , so only take it when u really need it as trust me you do not want to get addicted to it as you will want more and more and just feel nackered all the time xx

02-11-12, 13:56
There has been times today where i have felt like getting in a taxi but i carried on. i have to work 12hrs a day and at work i feel really bad sometimes i wanna run out but i i stick it out and it passes. im just like you where i can go months without one then one will get triggered and then it all staits again. i hate it. well i have just took two tablets hopfully i will start feeling better soon.

02-11-12, 14:29
you'll get there im sure, ive got a long way to go myself but im gunna get some councilling very soon as i feel very poorly

02-11-12, 19:29
How do you feel???

02-11-12, 19:38
very poorly mentally veery scared that im loosing it

02-11-12, 20:25
I have that feeling too. Do u have anyone with u to help you cope and try to distract u from negative thoughts?