View Full Version : Anxiety & A&E

02-11-12, 13:41
Has anybody's anxiety been that bad that they have ended up in A&E? :weep:

02-11-12, 14:32
yes last week. Came home from GP told husband I was dying, went to A and E had very fast heart beat, blurred vision, loss of balance. Doctors did various checks, slowed my heart down by talking to me, checked blood pressure and sent me home as being anxious. I am going to avoid going again ,unless it is an emergency obviously, as I am frightened of hospitals and did not feel reassured by the experience. Are you feeling ill?? :hugs:

02-11-12, 14:33
A couple of times I've thought about going to A&E as I've thought I was having a brain haemorrhage and another time a stroke! But in the end I didn't go, really thought I was genuinely ill but I suppose a little voice at the back of my mind told me it was all due to anxiety.

02-11-12, 14:39
I've had a migraine for a week, been to gp twice, they have checked me and reassured me its a migraine, gp prescribed me imigran yesterday which I took and it relieved the migraine and had no flashing lights in my eyes last night. Every morning I feel so anxious on waking, waking about 530 start thinking :( had no headache this morning but as day went on started with a dull headache. Had a few shooting pains on tip right side of head, so I am no so worked up and convinced I am going to drop dead, am so scared can't cope with this anxiety :weep:

02-11-12, 14:52
I ended up at A&E the very first time I had a panic attack. Luckily it was the only one I've ever had. I'd been feeling unwell all day and phoned NHS Direct 2-3 times because my heart kept racing and I felt dizzy. I didn't know what it was at the time so thought something was seriously wrong with me. I woke up during the night in a complete state; shaking, sweating, dizzy and I went straight to A&E. Got the all clear and felt like an idiot! In my defence though I really didn't know what was happening to me.

I had headaches every day for weeks - exactly as you describe them. I know that fear when you think something is wrong, I've been there sooooooo many times. It really is anxiety and you need to find ways to relax. I found at the same time I was getting my headaches I had neck & shoulder pain and I know it was connected. I really hope you feel better soon. xx

02-11-12, 14:52
i did, two days after coming out of hospital with an infection caused by acute diverticulitus, I was having really bad anxiety although I did not know that as I had not had it before, I had been having it before I went in with my tummy but did not know that as they thought I was feeling rotten because of that.

I ended up in A & E all night, saw two different doctors who told me it was anxiety and panic, my blood pressure was high and I could not stop shaking, I had never had anything like that before so did not know what was wrong, basically they gave diazapan which did not work at a low dose and then had 5mg which helped and they sent me home with some and told me to go to GP on the Monday. I was put on medication and now 10 weeks later I feel like me again and good.

02-11-12, 14:52
I am really sorry you are feeling like this. I posted yesterday about light flashes in eyes. I was so scared and I mean SCARED. My husband was out so paincked even more, thought about phoning NHS direct or even 999, eventually went and washed hair to distract myself and they did pass. It is a horrible feeling.I suppose if the GP has said they are migraines then that is reasurring (I know they are very painful) Am sending you :hugs:

02-11-12, 16:26
I'm finding it really hard to distract myself, its horrible xxx

02-11-12, 16:49
I used to go A&E alot when i was at my bad stage with anxiety even though everytime they'd send me home saying just anxiety...
I suffer bad with headaches (got one now) they usually always just above nose or eyes i went docs other day about them and have sinus infection and it has cleared my headache up to what it was.. but i also suffer migraines :(

02-11-12, 17:15
Thanks for your replies, I just feel so desperate at the moment I know im going to have a bad night with anxiety. Just wish I could feel better and normal again :( xx

02-11-12, 17:26
I've been a couple of times, but that was before I knew what panic attacks were. I genuinely thought I was dying. If the doctors had told me that in the first place and not just discharged me without an explaination I probably wouldn't have had another Ambulance called.

white rose
02-11-12, 17:36
How are you feeling now?

Anxiety is just the worst thing - but the best thing to come out of it is this site! you will find lots of sympathetic people who are going through or have gone through the same as you

I haven't been here for ages - I am really starting to think I am coming out of this now - and I was really bad last year. I was constantly anxious - you have to try and be positive and KNOW you will get better and the anxiety will fade
Good luck

02-11-12, 17:41
Thank you so much...im really struggling today, I feel im wasting away my life worrying. I've driven my mother away constantly seeking reassurance, my husband is trying but doesn't understand, my poor kids. This episode has been going on for about 6 weeks and its tiring me out :) xx

white rose
02-11-12, 17:59
yes I know that feeling - I pestered my friend constantly for reassurance - she must have been sick to death with me!

Have you tried any books? the best one I read was 'Self Help for your nerves' by Claire Weekes - it's an oldie but goodie full of lots of sensible advice - you find yourself nodding and going - 'that's me!' do try and get hold of a copy it will really help you.

I don't know what else I can say - except that - having gone through what you have and wearing myself out and feeling completely desperate, I slowly started to get better - I would get to the end of a day and realise I hadn't had anxious thoughts that day - and when one would come into my head I'd block it as if it was something I really disliked - which of course I did.

I'm thinking of you and sending LOTS of positive thoughts!

R xxx

02-11-12, 18:06
I have been referred for cbt, just wish it would hurry up. 6 weeks ago I convinced myself I had breast cancer, it got to the point where my gp referred me to breast specialist to see if I would listen to them when they told me there was nothing wrong. I was a bit better for about a week, but it has come back again. I am currently prescribed lyrica been on for about 3 weeks, seems to help a bit, but for the first 4 weeks I was on diazepam as it was the only thing that would settle me. I must get hold of that book as a lot of people have mentioned it.
Thank you :hugs:

white rose
02-11-12, 20:29
isn't it awful - we torture ourselves - convinced we have something wrong with us. I've been there - hope you are feeling a bit better
sending love xxx

anx mum
02-11-12, 20:40
I have been referred for cbt, just wish it would hurry up. 6 weeks ago I convinced myself I had breast cancer, it got to the point where my gp referred me to breast specialist to see if I would listen to them when they told me there was nothing wrong. I was a bit better for about a week, but it has come back again. I am currently prescribed lyrica been on for about 3 weeks, seems to help a bit, but for the first 4 weeks I was on diazepam as it was the only thing that would settle me. I must get hold of that book as a lot of people have mentioned it.
Thank you :hugs:

Been to a&E quite a few times with anxiety was convinced something was wrong. My anxiety is back again and im really struggling with it. Never found a&e helpful in fact i found staff rude there and i did have a physical condition not serious but i didnt know that pm anytime if u wanna chat.

03-11-12, 07:42
I feel so awful when I wake in the morning im waking at about 5 then lying there worrying. I only have a slight headache (which I have most mornings anyway) but I still think I am going to drop dead, I feel so anxious and desperate I really don't know what to do :weep:

03-11-12, 08:14
Aw honey - sending you big hugs. I remember when my anxiety was at it's worst and I used to wake up with a sense of fear, panic & dread. I really didn't want to face the day and didn't see the point of anything. I didn't want to die or anything - I just didn't want to live like this and I couldn't see it ending. I carried on though - I had to! I would get up, go to work and yeh, probably have a crap day but I would get through it and go back to my bed at the earliest opportunity. That was my life for weeks.... but it DID get better. It will for you too. I know it's not easy but try to keep your mind occupied with something... anything!

03-11-12, 08:20
Thank you just can't think about anything else, its awful :(

03-11-12, 08:28
I know. Sometimes it's impossible to think about other stuff when your mind is in turmoil. Whenever I felt like I didn't want to do anything I would watch hours of TV, films, etc. You need to take the edge of how you feel. I have a breast scan on Tuesday so I know how you have been feeling. When is your CBT? xx

03-11-12, 10:35
I haven't had a date for cbt the go said there is a long waiting list. I'm starting back at work tomorrow, haven't worked properly since mid august due to being at uni, don't know how im going to cope with working a full shift. I hope everything is ok with your scan, have you had one before :hugs: