View Full Version : Gerd/Gord Reflux but worried its Cancer

02-11-12, 17:24
Hello all. Have posted here before about Abnormal Liver Tests. Pleased to say that one is back to normal and the other reduced by half but still higher than normal.

I have since been back the Doctors as Ive had for about 12 years Acid Reflux. Have been on Omeprazole on and off but have recently started to have varying symptoms which Ive never had before.
Have had shortness of breath for about 5 weeks now and at first Dr thought it was related to Anxiety as i had upcoming exams and was worried about LFT's as described above. However, i have been experiencing chest pain in the sternum and to the left of my breast bone and between my shoulder blades. I'm a 45 year old male and have struggled with Health Anxiety for years after the loss of my mum with Cancer of the breast. Dr has increased my Omeprazole to 40mg a day.
He still thinks its Reflux but has suggested i have an Endoscopy as its 12 years since i last had one. Managed to go private and see the Consultant last night and am having the procedure on Tuesday next week. I'm worried its Barrett esophagus and that i may have Cancer.
Very worried about what the Endoscopy might find but want to know whats causing the discomfort. I know the worrying doesn't help!!
Anyone shed any light on this or had similar problems or worries.