View Full Version : shadow on lung can it be non serious

02-11-12, 18:55
just wondered if anyone had experienced similar?

diagnosed with DVT on october 1st
started on warfarin had a chest xray to check for PE that came back clear
then had a CT scan last week
today recieved a letter for an appointment with a lung specialist
apparently the xray and subsequent scan show a small mark/ shadow that the doc cant identify at the hospital hence the referral
i had a post op DVT and PE in 2003 and i am hoping that it is scarring from the old PE that is showing
appointment isnt till tuesday and my mind is running away with itself, really worried its lung cancer!
im in good health as in no cough, shortage of breath or chest pains
anyone else experience this?
thanks in advance

02-11-12, 19:04
My dad was dx with lung cancer in February and he definitly had symptoms and the doctors were not in doubt from the X-ray that it was lung cancer, he got a call the same day as the scan to say that and more tests very very quickly followed

02-11-12, 19:10
thanks for the reply kirsty
im taking hope from the fact that the mark or shadow is indeterminate i would think any experienced radiographer would spot cancer straight away
heres hoping

02-11-12, 19:23
I hope for you too. my dads results like I said clearly showed it was probably lung cancer. And that with the fact he used to be a heavy smoker it was quite sadly obvious :(((

02-11-12, 19:36
so sorry to read that kirsty, been told its probably nothing to worry about but as well know thats easier said then done

02-11-12, 19:54
My mum has shadows on her lungs, it is because of infections she had years ago that left these signs.

02-11-12, 20:10
thank you very much for your reply

06-11-12, 18:34
*** UPDATE***
been to see the specialist today, seen the chest xrays and the specialist is 95% certain the marks are scarring from a recent or old chest infection
thankfully he has all but ruled out anything serious which is a massive relief
hopefully after a course of anti biotics they will have cleared up by the next x ray

06-11-12, 19:18
thats good news! I think sometimes having so many tests just finds things that would otherwise be unnoticable. On laproscopy they found a large tumour on my liver - worried the hell out of me.. was nothing...just a large benign tumour.