View Full Version : Would this work in the UK

02-11-12, 19:01

Nearly everyone I know is a member of Helicopteros Sanitarios and for a family of 4 it costs about £230.00 per annum.

Though primarily they are doctors and always arrive within 20 minutes (at least 2 or 3 doctors) they help with what couldd be a commom cold to a heart attack, but they can also relieve anxiety if someone is just extremely anxious with all the usual symptoms and in severe cases of hyper ventilation will take you to hospital to be treated until one has calmed down.

03-11-12, 13:03
This does sound like a very good idea and not expensive. They are trialing a scheme in the UK which I guess is similar apart from no helicopter. In certain areas they are trialing 111. If it is not emergency enough for 999 you call 111. I called in the middle of a really frightening panic attack and they were with me in a few minutes. I think it is only in about 3 regions at the UK at the moment but should be extended next year. It is part of NHS. They don't always send a doctor though...it is more of a telephone discussion to start with and then they decide the next step to take. I do like the idea of the service you have.

03-11-12, 13:32
What region are you in Annie, id heard about it but didn't know they were trialing it yet :) xx

03-11-12, 13:38
It is available in County Durham and Darlington
Great Yarmouth and Waveney
Lancashire (excluding West Lancashire)
London boroughs of Croydon, Hammersmith and Fulham, Hillingdon, Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster
North Derbyshire and Nottingham City
the Isle of Wight

03-11-12, 13:54
Oh thanks for that didn't realise it was active, hope it works then xx

03-11-12, 13:59
It worked for me when I called a few weeks ago. I told them I knew it was a panic attack and just needed someone to talk me out of it. They sent a blue light ambulance and they were so good with me...even offered to make me a cup of tea! I think if we had the service Ricardo mentioned I would sign up for it...Since it is usually a few weeks before I can get an appointment to see my GP!

03-11-12, 18:20
It is only called Helicopteros Sanitarios because originally it was used for major road accidents to helicopter the injured away.

The difference with the UK is that they always send a doctor, only asking what the symptoms are. I have had mixed reports about NHD helpline for out of hours subsitute for calling a doctor. They are not all trained as doctors .

03-11-12, 18:27
So it started something similar to our Air Ambulance which is charity funded and not government funded? NHS Direct are not trained doctors but the new 111 will put you on to speak to a doctor or nurse. I think the 111 system is better than NHS direct.