View Full Version : Scared about brain

02-11-12, 19:23
over the last 4 weeks i've been feeling really strange, incredibly forgetful, very spaced out, it's hard to explain, like, i'll go to a place or walk into a room and it'll feel like i've never been there before, It also pretty much constantly feels like i've just began to exist ( crazy as it sounds ) all my memories just seem so so distant, I don't feel like myself any more, I'm having some very strange sensations, I've had 3 blood tests over the last 6 months and they've all come back perfectly normal, does this mean I don't have a tumour/aneurysm?

03-11-12, 13:04
That spaced out feeling is called DEPERSONALIZATION and/or DEREALIZATION! Check out some topics in the forum about it. You'll be reassured.

- Zigs.