View Full Version : i want to get better but how ?

mrs way to worried
02-11-12, 21:34
my health anxiety started 4 years ago 3 months after the birth of my first child it started with an irrational fear of death i began hallucinating convinced i wouldnt live till christmas i had voices in my head i didnt sleep in case i died the first health problem i believed i had was a brain tumour since then ive had tumours , lynphoma ,breast cancer , skin cancer , mouth cancer , all these problems are on the right side of my body in the 4 years i have full blood tests every six months all are always fine my iron is a tad low but it runs in my family i had an mri of my head and neck all fine and x rays of my teeth and jaw these mri and x rays were 2 and half years ago , i still have a few of the symptoms now i have jaw pain right side sometimes my salivary cland on the inside of my cheek swells up after eating but then sometimes shrinks im convinced this is mouth cancer then i have neck pain not constant and shoulder pain then it goes onto my breast which has a sometimes painful lump that flares up and my armpit feels full or swollen i cant feel a specific lump its more a swelling so i am convinced this is breast cancer , since having my first child ive gone on to have another daughter and 3 days ago i gave birth to my son i am now determined to end this for good and get better and start enjoying life and my family because the past 4 years have been awful i suffer memory loss due to deppression i dont remember anything of my two girls growing up which devestates me i know i need to get better but i feel while i have these symptoms i wont be able to move on do i ask the doctor to test me for these things i just dont know where to begin ive been on the waiting list for cbt for a year now any advice would be great thankyou for taking the time to read this

02-11-12, 21:36
Congratulations on giving birth, what is his name?
This is maybe a long shot but have you mentioned the jaw and shoulder pain to your dentist?

mrs way to worried
02-11-12, 21:44
yeah i have i had to have both wisdom teeth out as one was impacted and infected he said he didnt think extraction would remove my pain entirely as he believes i have some muscle weakness in that side and possibly tmj ,the pain isnt there all the time its mainly in winter , thankyou his name is elias

03-11-12, 00:27
That is a lovely name. I was just going to suggest that it may be tmjd. I have this also and it can cause so many odd symptoms. Do you have any stiffness in the jaw itself?
I can only open my mouth 3cm, my jaw is quite clicky and has locked on a few occasions, my neck and shoulder and scalp ache from time to time.
Ask your dentist for a bruxism splint. You should get it free as you have just had a baby. It is basically an acrylic mouth guard custom built for you which stops you clenching your teeth at night when stressed. I didn't believe my dentist that I grinded my teeth, but low and behold, when I take out the splint there are teeth marks!
It doesn't solve the problem but it does make ot easier. Might be worth asking about!

03-11-12, 07:34
Hi and congrats on the birth of your little boy!

Your post really touched a nerve with me because I had my first panic attack after the birth of my eldest son who is 22 now. I also have suffered with jaw, neck, head symptoms and have been told there is nothing medically wrong it's anxiety. During those years I've had other children and the anxiety has got worse after the births. I've been on escitalopram but only 7 years ago because I was pill phobic. I had my last child 2 years ago and am not on any meds am here I am back in the land of anxiety. My current issues are with vertigo and dizziness. I've been prescribed 5mg of escitalopram but my
Pill phobia is back with a vengeance and I'm too scared to take it!

When I had my last child I was so happy and felt so well in the first few weeks then I had a car crash (not major) and this seemed to trigger the PA's. I now feel that I will not live to see my son grow up and I'm on edge constantly.

I hope you are able to get help and feel well soon.

Hugs xx