View Full Version : Does anyone feel my pain?

Anxious lu
02-11-12, 22:23
Surges of anxiety and adrenaline all day ive been fighting it off now I'm just aching all over my wrists back legs fingers. I'm tired if this and all the worry.
My head aches my face aches.. It keels like
Flu but not as bad..

Should anxiety hurt so much..?

02-11-12, 22:37
It's horrible even having a bad day but after the bad day is over are body still feels the pain :( never realised anxiety can cause all this :)

02-11-12, 23:09
unfortunatley yes anxiety leaves you physically and mentally drained, anxiety god its awful I really hope you feel better soon I had a bad day today myself sending you some:hugs:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx