View Full Version : FW: Controlling the attacks and what causes them

Sue K with 5
12-08-06, 20:56
I can cope with the anxiety that i am used to but its the panic attacks I am again struggling with. This has been an exceptionally bad year for me with numerous problems, and recently I have found myself isolating myself more and more to the point where I dont want to see anyone.

I have had now three bad panic attacks this week and when I say bad I mean to the point where i nearly called an ambulance the fear was the most intense i have had in a long time. I find it so hard to deal with them when they are like this.

I have had a few upsetting issues to deal with and I think this is what triggers them off. What I dont get is why people r so insistent on trying to make you feel worse when they are well aware how hard you may struggle with the anxieties. Why do people insist on making problems that are not necessary my question is does anyone else find stressful arguements and nastiness from the most bizarre people bring on more intense panic and fear or is it just me.

I have a full time business to work on, five children and a 10 week old grandchild and thats enough to be dealing with for any normal person but when your trying to deal with anxiety and panic and intense fear is it necessary for people to make things worse unnecessarily.

I just want my life back, I struggle to get out of the door every damn day but I am sure if life was less stressful and unneccesary pain and misery was caused it would not be half as bad as it is!!

Sue with 5


12-08-06, 21:12
i know exactly what you mean, its as if the world wants to kick you when you are down. stupid ignorant people.
i think once you have another panic attack, the fear of it stays with you, and subconcious level you fear another one, this creates fear/panic/fear
just tell yourself you are not bothered anyway, and dont fight it
take care

we are all stronger people after having this

12-08-06, 21:15
Sorry to hear that things are bad for you at the moment, Sue.

I am soooooo crap at dealing with any type of argument/confrontation, anything along those lines even if I know that I'm right and they are most definately wrong. I get shaky and panicky, and I hate reacting that way but I suppose it's learnt behaviour that I have never changed over the years.

Is it people in the "real world" or online people that are making the problems? If the latter, then it definately isn't worth the hassle. Shut your computer down and get on with your life [8D]

If it's due to people in your everyday life outside of the net, then this is a harder situation to deal with. I wont tell you not to let it get you down cos it's easier said than done. But it is a real shame if other people are getting in the way of your recovery :(

Hope you can come up with some answers, Sue.

Love Kate xx

"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

12-08-06, 21:18
hi sue

i can hear how desperate u feel - it must b so difficult to cope with everything. i think when we have issues to deal with it makes us all the more vulnerable and sometimes people just do not understand. it was only a few weeks that i asked myself how much more can I take - but like you we are stronger thatn we think and we somehow manage to get through it. i am a fine one to say this, cos my life is so full of crap at the moment, but even though you are feeling bad, look at what you are achieving.

take care of yourself and we all have blips - they seem to just all come at once sometimes!!

love darkangel x

........life is for living not just for surviving

Sue K with 5
12-08-06, 21:18
Oh thanks Ju

I do try that but I tend to hold myself so responsible all the time. I received an email over a month ago which was quite funny, so I sent it on to all the contacts in my hotmail list. As people do well over a month after I sent it I am getting unnecessary grief for this one email which has caused me to feel anxious unnecessarily and i am so sick of the nastiness and bad feeling it causes.

The one thing I pride myself on is my sense of humour and my ability to care about people and when thats overshadowed by nasty comments and remarks it makes me doubt myself.

I am so good at hiding my own feelings and fear to make sure others dont see but the end result is my own demise and I am so sick of being a punch bag.

Thanks for the tip though

sue with 5


Sue K with 5
12-08-06, 21:26
Thanks Dark

I do agree with what you have said, especially about the blips but it makes me wonder if in order to get better you have to change your whole life around.

Change of direction, change of friends change of lifestyle in order to get better.

So many changes have taken place for me lately but maybe I need to make some more

I dont know I just know that this has pushed me in the last few days and I have had an absolute belly full of it

Thank you for responding



12-08-06, 21:33
i think you sound a lot like me. i like to think of myself as a kind caring person, and yet somehow end up feeling used by people, however i am no martyr because i believe that i am just vulnerable, which i have been working on. i now think if someone is being a prat that its their loss not mine, and sometimes i think that we believe things that arent really true also dont you think? you know what i mean just assuming etc. i think if we feel like a doormat we will be treated like one, cos there are a lot of sharks out there

we are all stronger people after having this

12-08-06, 22:39
Hi Susan,

Sorry to hear you are going through a bad time.

I cant totally relate to you, we can do without all the stress.

I am having a hard time with my 17 year old daughter at the moment, twice last week she was carried home drunk after spending the evening with her friends. Its really stressing me out as i am so afraid when she goes out she will come home drunk again.
I am finding it hard real hard to cope with, shes a typical 17 year old that as no respect for her family and knows whats best. Its caused arguments with me and my husband and over the last couple of days i feel as if i just want to leave home and get away from all the stress! Im sure i would feel better if i did! But i geuss thats not the answer.


12-08-06, 22:41

We all have stresses to deal with and I know that I have had more than my fair share recently on here. We just have to learn how to cope and step back when we get fed up.

You can get out you know you can so stick at it ok and you will get there.

I would be careful who you send mails to. I choose who I send mine to and not just everyone in my list.

People get offended by some mails so I exclude them.

Just keep away from people that you don't like as you will only upset them.

You will get back on track soon like I am trying to.


12-08-06, 23:04
I do not want this turning into another arguementative post when certain members on here who got the mail reply.

Please be nice ok?


Sue K with 5
13-08-06, 03:09

thats has cheered me up Nic !! thanks



13-08-06, 12:22
Hi Susan

I have found my anxiety problems exacerbated by some so called friends and acquaintances to the point where I sat down and decided who needed to 'go'. Coping with anxiety has been life changing (to many changes to speak about in this short reply) but one of the things I did was re-evaluate who I 'allow' into my life. Once I had 'spring cleaned' certain people out of my life I felt I have re-gained some of my previous power. You are precious, only share yourself with those who deserve to know you and those who give as well as take.

Kay x

13-08-06, 12:53

Hang on in there mate.

x x

Sue K with 5
13-08-06, 13:41
Thank Kay

Thats so true and i did try that a few years ago the thing is it backfired and i felt awful for isolating my entire family but for a while it felt as if i had control back and i do tend to keep them at a distance somewhat.

I find it so hard to understand how others spend so much time judging and i just want people to get on with there lives and allow others to get on with their own.

Surely there is enough bad feeling within the world without adding it and extending it to family and so called friends.

It would be so nice if loyalty worked two ways sometimes.

I dont judge, i base my opinions on what i see and know depending on who it is, but no one has a right to judge us unless they can turn it into a positive feedback for us, then we can all share in the joy of recovery and success and support

Thanks scooby for the hugs honey thats lovely



13-08-06, 13:46

Try and remember how good it felt when you did that magazine article and how proud you were then.

That may give you the courage and stength to get back to how it was then.

Hope you feel better soon anyway.


13-08-06, 13:48
If you can possible get that book by Claire Weeks,Peace From Nervous Suffering, then please do. I am going to buy one. I borrowed one from a neighbor. It is very helpful. She explaines that what we feel are just feelings, and how to react properly. There are a lot of journals from her patients. It is very informative. Try stomach breathing(look up how to do it online). It helps get you calmer.
