View Full Version : Common colds are really bad for HA sufferers

03-11-12, 11:40
How many people on this forum have already had a cold this year? I would probably imagine a lot of you-including me. Have any of you had more panic because of how you are feeling-whilst others who don't have HA live with a cold quite normally, I really fret about the symptoms and turn myself into a nervous wreck. The runny nose and sore throat I can deal with, but does anybody else feel as if they are not really there? Kind of spaced out and then you get a bit dizzy etc. I am guessing this is just part of the cold, but it really worries me, as I think something really bad s happening to me...OH I hate and loathe this seasons where everyone around is coughing and spluttering! :mad:

03-11-12, 11:49
Yes it's funny isn't it, I always get really anxious dizzy panicky with a cold, I think our tired bodies just get overwhelmed with more symptoms to deal with x

03-11-12, 11:53
I've got a cold now. Felt ill with it for over a week now. Started off with a sore throat then got an awful dry itchy cough. I'm coughing loads and is so bad I'm choking and it makes me wretch. I feel like I have hairs in my throat! Have banging headaches and nasty tasting catarrh which makes me want to gip. I get anxious as I'm housebound with agoraphobia and want any illness to be minor as I can't get to the Doctors or hospital. I don't want to ring the Doctors as I've had 3 bouts of pneumonia and one case was very serious and I got an abscess on my lung. The Doctors are very cautious with me if I get anything on my chest they send me for a chest X-ray as a precaution ad there's no way I could go unless they knocked me out. I've tried Diazepam and Lorazepam in the past to sedate myself to get me out but it doesn't work as I'm so anxious.

Sorry I've gone off course a bit there. I know what you mean about the head thing, I think sinus congestion might contribute towards that. I steam with Vicks and this helps to clear the sinuses. When you're out and about take a hand gel sanitiser as these help to kill some bugs. Hope you feel better soon