View Full Version : Does this sound like a mouth abcess?

03-11-12, 12:07
Yesterday the side of my gum started feeling really tender just below one of my teeth. I thought maybe I had just poked it or brushed too hard but this morning the gum there is really swollen and very tender and sore. When I smile or move my mouth I can feel how swollen and tender it is too.
Does this sound like an abcess? I rung my emergency dentist but they can't fit me in until tomorrow so I'm panicking now :-(

03-11-12, 14:32
Could it be your wisdom teeth?

03-11-12, 14:36
If you have an abscess you will really know about it as they can be very painful. You could've caused it by brushing or you may have a small area of gingivitis. I would try a dental mouthwash that heels gums such as cordysol or eludril. You can only use this on a short term basis as it can stain yor teeth if used for too long, it will tell you on the bottle.

03-11-12, 15:15
Hi there.
Best thing you can do is rinse your mouth with warm salt water
Holding it on the sore tooth/gum.
Abscesses are very painful, sometimes making your face swell.
Take some painkillers and you will be fine xxx

03-11-12, 17:56
Hi thank you for replying every one. Well my face isn't swollen and I can't say it's agony because it's not. It's just sore and tender and the gum is swollen. I have mouth wash so will try that and salted water. Thank you xx