View Full Version : fear of mental health

03-11-12, 13:33
Hi all, my health anxiety seems focused on mental health at the moment. I am scared to death of my anxiety, the way I feel so different when I am anxious. I am scared of the depression it causes me, I am mainly scared of developing psychosis in the future. I have been taking setraline for the last 5 months and was doing so much better, but still have anxious spells. I am scared of being so anxious for all my life.

Anybody else like this?

03-11-12, 20:03
I can totally agree! I have/had this feeling as well. That one day it will just snap or develop insanity. I am reading a book, called 'Break Free from OCD'. It uses CBT to help with your thoughts and states that those that have OCD or HA will obsess over this thought of mental health, but that those that have anxiety don't develop psychosis. You should read this, its extremely helpful. I finally feel like maybe I can get a hold of this and that sooner or later I there will be some relief from this. Hope this helps!!

04-11-12, 07:06
I am also agreed with you dear. I had also same problem but now i am fine and thank God that this problem has finished. This problem develops anxiety that is not good for us.

04-11-12, 11:20
At the height of my anxiety last year I used to worry that I was headed for a nervous breakdown which scared me senseless as I hate the thought of losing any sort of control of my body - the anxiety symptons are bad enough thank you!

I posted about my worries on here and someone said that if you were actually to have a breakdown you would be past the point of caring so if you still care, you must be ok, well in control at least! Does that make sense? I know it helped me.