View Full Version : found blood on my sheets?

03-11-12, 14:22
I have a mild cold ... it's really not that bad. I feel ok, just mucusy and sore throat. I was just making my bed this morning and saw a blood splatter near where my pillows go. This freaked me out because none of my mucus from my cough or my nose today has had any blood in it ... it's been perfectly clear. But I know it was not old bc I would have noticed it. Should I be freaked?

No fever, mucus is clear color, energy fine ... normal cold otherwise.


03-11-12, 14:31
I am thinking it may have come from your nose, has happened to me before x

03-11-12, 15:27
Hi, It could have came from your teeth.

03-11-12, 15:33
from my teeth? my gums are in good shape, don't bleed when i brush or floss ... the way it looks seems like i must have coughed and it sprayed out.

03-11-12, 16:45
It's possible that since you have a cold, the capillaries in your nose could have burst and caused the bleeding (from your nose) onto your pillow. Happens to most of us, especially in the winter when the air is dry. :)


03-11-12, 23:36
No more blood at all today during the day, so hopefully it was just a one-time thing. thanks for your advice, all :)