View Full Version : Having a friend accompany you to the doc?

03-11-12, 14:34
How do some of you deal with consultant appointments if you feel like you need a friend to accompany you to an appointment? I am seeing a consultant next week and a friend has offered to go with me to offer support. I am really embarrassed about asking if my friend can accompany me into the consultation room. What do others feel about this?


03-11-12, 16:26
Hi there, I don't think this is anything you need to be embarrassed about. While some people prefer going to an appointment on their own, others prefer feel better if there is somebody there with them. This is actually very normal. Having a friend with you can help take the tension out of the situation, as sometimes having doctors appointments can be quite stressful for an individual. As far as I know most doctors or health care professionals would not mind at all, if you request a fried to accompany you. In fact I think they would thoroughly understand and would have been asked this many times before. So, I would say please don't worry about this and good luck with the appointment. :)

03-11-12, 16:28
I don't even ask..I always take someone with me and they never mind. x

03-11-12, 16:35
My best friend always come to the doctors with me and comes straight in the room with me when my name is called, I see a different doctor every time usually and not one of them has ever had a problem with it. She uses a different surgery to me and I always go with her to her appointments too and the doctors there have never had a problem with it either.

If you feel more comfortable with your friend there then take them! A lot of people do :) x

03-11-12, 17:28
I always take someone with me without fail, I have to be dragged to all of my appointments. I always introduce the person I have brought along but would not think of asking if it is ok, I just assume it will be. :unsure:

03-11-12, 17:42
It should be fine to take a friend into the consulting room with you. I've done this before if I'm nervous.

03-11-12, 20:58
Thanks, all. I felt really awkward thinking about doing it. I don't know many people who ask someone else to accompany them to the doctor's so I feel really bad for asking... As long as I know that it's quite common after all.... :)

04-11-12, 10:29
No need to be worried, they almost expect someone to go with you they even have 2 chairs in lots of places. My friend always takes me with her and i've been to numerous appts with her and she's never asked i just go in when her name is called with her.

04-11-12, 15:02
Even if it's for something relatively minor?
I can understand if people are going in for a serious diagnosis but how about if it's just something run-of-the-mill....

04-11-12, 15:07
Still always take someone with me. I don't feel embarrassed at all. My friend or sister come with me even to routine Doctor appointments, It is good for support and the doctors never seem to mind.

04-11-12, 16:14
i've had my partner come with me a few times, especially when i have had blood drawn because i was so frightened.

04-11-12, 21:34
Thanks for the input, everyone. If I feel I need my friend to come along as a support, I will feel much better about doing so! :)