View Full Version : Just not hungry anymore.

03-11-12, 18:56
Well recently I been having massive worries about my heart, but today it has seemed to calm down a bit but that's not my worry today.

In the past few days I talked myself into having chest tightness and chest pains whenever I ate something. One bite of food just made me feel like my chest was going to tight. I don't know if I talked myself so much into having heart worries, that i even talked myself into having heart problems due to eating, but I think its all in my head due to my anxiety. I think.

Well lately I just haven't been hungry. I'm a young man, I should be a lean mean eating machine like I used to be. Eating anything and everything. Well sadly, that's not the case for me anymore. For an example, this morning I had french toast for breakfast. Who doesn't love french toast right?! Well I usually eat 4-5 pieces of it every time, but this morning I could barely eat two. I probably had one and half and I just wasn't hungry anymore. Well whatever, guess I just wasn't that hungry this morning!

Well then came lunch time, My dad bought my friend and I a piece of pizza! Great I love pizza! Well I wasn't hungry. Still not hungry. I didn't eat a lot of breakfast so I should surely be starving for lunch, but that's not the case. Even my parents are questioning me about not eating and i'm starting to get worried that something is wrong with me.

Its been almost three hours since lunch time, and i'm still sitting here not hungry whatsoever. I have had no appetite for the past few days. Is it because that my anxiety and stress has been over the top that i'm just hungry?

I'm not sure if a symptom of high anxiety and stress can cause loss of appetite and make you not even hungry. To be honest, I feel like my stomach is hollow, and i feel hungry, and have stomach pains from being hungry, but when i eat i feel like im getting that tight chest feeling and i just get full instantly. Im scared i have something wrong with my organs doing this to me. My chest tightness moved to like the center of my chest, right below my throat it almost feels like. I need help im scared that something is wrong with my organs or im developing a eating disorder or something. Has anything expierenced this? All help is appreciated!

03-11-12, 19:53
Maybe if you ate something light like cereal or plain toast your anxiety may lessen. Not being hungry is not anything to worry about. Sometimes i can go for hours and then i remember i haven't eaten.

03-11-12, 20:26
This feeling you describe is really very common in anxiety sufferers, what I would suggest is a visit to your doctor because I suspect you may have acid reflux, this is also a very common thing in anxiety and you don't necessarily feel heart burn with it, I didn't, I just used to get this horrible choking feeling all the time and pressure and fullness in my chest. Try not to worry but go and see your doctor for advice x

03-11-12, 20:29
This feeling you describe is really very common in anxiety sufferers, what I would suggest is a visit to your doctor because I suspect you may have acid reflux, this is also a very common thing in anxiety and you don't necessarily feel heart burn with it, I didn't, I just used to get this horrible choking feeling all the time and pressure and fullness in my chest. Try not to worry but go and see your doctor for advice x

You pretty much described what I have been feeling in my chest! but can acid reflux cause me to never be hungry and stuff?

03-11-12, 20:35
Oh yes definatley, my doctor gave me Zantac to take every day and it has helped so much. Also remember when you are anxious your whole body is tense and bracing itself for fight or flight, your throat is included in this, one of the most annoying symptoms of anxiety for me is that horrible feeling in my throat and chest. Try some deep breathing exercises, they really help me. And take not of hiw you are breathing, your chest should hardly move, breathe from the stomach. X

---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:33 ----------

If I haven't taken a Zantac I can feel quite nauseous with acid in my stomach. And it defo puts me off eating. I have lost 18 lbs in the past couple of months through anxiety. X

03-11-12, 20:36
Oh yes definatley, my doctor gave me Zantac to take every day and it has helped so much. Also remember when you are anxious your whole body is tense and bracing itself for fight or flight, your throat is included in this, one of the most annoying symptoms of anxiety for me is that horrible feeling in my throat and chest. Try some deep breathing exercises, they really help me. And take not of hiw you are breathing, your chest should hardly move, breathe from the stomach. X

I try breathing excercised. I feel like it calms me down for no more than 5-10 minutes and im back up to being all panicky again. I will still continue at it. Do you know if acid reflux can cause chest pains too?

03-11-12, 20:41
Yes it can cause chest pain. The breathing technique is something you should try and do a few times a day for about 10-15 mins, it's not a quick fix but the more you do it, the more aware you become of your breathing when you are chest breathing and then you start to correct your breathing subconsciously. When I don't breathe right I get palpitations, choking feeling, panicky, it's quite amazing how much you tense up without realising. Like right now, I bet you are not aware your shoulders are hunched up, let them go and see hiw far they drop!

04-11-12, 15:51
Do you know if anxiety can cause acid reflux? I never had it before until I started feeling extremely anxious about my heart. I still have that weird feeling in the center of my chest today. I'm wondering if i should just wait to see if it fades or go and try some medicine. I'm not really sure what do you think i should do?

04-11-12, 15:56
Do you know if anxiety can cause acid reflux? I never had it before until I started feeling extremely anxious about my heart. I still have that weird feeling in the center of my chest today. I'm wondering if i should just wait to see if it fades or go and try some medicine. I'm not really sure what do you think i should do?

I suffer with acid reflux mine is due to anxiety ,and the worse my anxiety is the worse it feels, hope this helps you and I get that tight horrible feeling in my chest xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

04-11-12, 16:11
I have acid reflux and from experience I can say stress definitely makes it worse

04-11-12, 18:08
When I hit a bout of super anxious 3 months back I had a really hard time with eating. Some heart burn, yes, but mostly just so keyed up I wasn't hungry and eating felt like a chore. I found soup to be the easiest thing to prepare and to eat. There are a million different kinds, so keeps up the variety and I am sure there s something for everyone.

04-11-12, 18:42
Its hard to describe. Its like i feel hungry, but after eating a few bites im just full. I dont know if im having real bad indigestion and acid reflux currently. but my stomach mains all these strange sounds, and sometimes get those pains when your really hungry, but yet, i still dont feel hungry,

04-11-12, 22:24
I am glad I am not the only one suffering with this. For the past 3 months all I have been able to eat is soup, bread and sandwiches. Like you as soon as I have had a few mouthfuls I either feel sick or full. I think with me it is an anxiety thing, have lanzoprazole for GERD but have still not managed to regain appetite. Have lost 8 pounds in a few months and for an already skinny person like myself, this is pretty bad. I also think I have a kind of mental blockage about eating a big meal as I assume it is going to get stuck in my chest and I will then choke to death!!!!

---------- Post added at 22:24 ---------- Previous post was at 22:17 ----------

Oh and stress does make acid reflux worse