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View Full Version : Toxic Shock Syndrome?! So over this!

03-11-12, 19:34
So stupid me started my period and put a tampon in last night at 11:20. My morning was a bit off routine as I had to leave earlier than normal and completely forgot to change it. So at about 12:30 I remembered and now I have panicked myself! What if I have/get toxic shock syndrome! It was like 13 hours that the tampon was in!

So of course I googled, although I know I shouldn't and like usual I just feel worse and more panicky. Of all the symptoms listed I have the dizziness and headache, but of course I suffer OCD and HA and am always expeirencing these two symptoms in one form. I keep taking my temperature...ugh!

I am trying to stave off a full blown panic as I am to go out on a date night with the hubby and don't want to ruin this thinking I am going to die of Toxic shock syndrome!! Has anyone else done this? Would you be worried?? I know what my GP will tell me if I message him, plus its the weekend and he won't answer till monday! I wish I could be like others and just let this pass, whatever will be, etc...I am so exhausted by this!! Thanks for reading, I know it was long and a little rambling!

fozzy is crying
03-11-12, 19:38
So stupid me started my period and put a tampon in last night at 11:20. My morning was a bit off routine as I had to leave earlier than normal and completely forgot to change it. So at about 12:30 I remembered and now I have panicked myself! What if I have/get toxic shock syndrome! It was like 13 hours that the tampon was in!

So of course I googled, although I know I shouldn't and like usual I just feel worse and more panicky. Of all the symptoms listed I have the dizziness and headache, but of course I suffer OCD and HA and am always expeirencing these two symptoms in one form. I keep taking my temperature...ugh!

I am trying to stave off a full blown panic as I am to go out on a date night with the hubby and don't want to ruin this thinking I am going to die of Toxic shock syndrome!! Has anyone else done this? Would you be worried?? I know what my GP will tell me if I message him, plus its the weekend and he won't answer till monday! I wish I could be like others and just let this pass, whatever will be, etc...I am so exhausted by this!! Thanks for reading, I know it was long and a little rambling!

If you had toxic shock you would have know about it big time by now and not be in a state to post here. So put it out of your mind and enjoy your weekend.

03-11-12, 19:49
I agree, go out and enjoy yourself. You don't have toxic shock. you would know if you did.

03-11-12, 20:36
I agree. You would feel very poorly indeed (to the point of not being able to worry about posting to ask for help) if you had TSS.