View Full Version : hi

04-11-12, 00:15
hi everyone,

im new here, well new to posting i always read the forums for help but its got to the point were i need to speak to people.

I suffer with anxiety and ocd, and at the minute im having a pretty bad time, im convinced im dying and have cancer :-( i just dont know what to do with myself would love to speak to somebody xx

04-11-12, 00:26

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-11-12, 09:19

04-11-12, 09:20
Welcome Hun , there's plenty of help here for you. Hope you feel better soon x

04-11-12, 13:16
:welcome: You will receive a lot of support on here

04-11-12, 14:24
Welcome to the forums! :) I've found it very helpful here and I'm sure you will too.

04-11-12, 15:46
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

04-11-12, 19:22
You will get through this.Many many good people on here

fozzy is crying
04-11-12, 19:53

04-11-12, 20:01
I'm quite new to this forum too and am finding it really helpful. It's good to know that you're not alone I think and to get the benefit of other people's experiences and advice. Have you been to see the doc?

05-11-12, 13:18
thanks everyone :)
hi Panicyenot, my mum has booked an appt for me she thinks i need some tablets, but im scared if i go on anything they will take my baby boy off me as they will think i cant cope :-( xx

05-11-12, 14:49
It won't hurt to at least talk to the doc, ultimately you can decide if you want to actually take any tablets. I understand your worry about your baby but many people with children are on medication, for Post Natal Depression as one example and they certainly don't have their babies taken away. It sounds as though your mum is very supportive so tell her how you feel. Just see what the doc advises, take it one step at a time :hugs: xx

05-11-12, 19:08
thanks everyone :)
hi Panicyenot, my mum has booked an appt for me she thinks i need some tablets, but im scared if i go on anything they will take my baby boy off me as they will think i cant cope :-( xx

That won't happen, post natal depression is very common and as long as it's treated you'll be fine. It's more likely to become a problem if you *don't* seek treatment for it.

quercus robur
07-11-12, 20:32
Hi im new as well , but not to anxiety obsessive thoughts etc , go to your gp with your head held high and tell them exactly how your feeling trust me it wont be new to them , if you are prescribed a pill to take take it with both hands and be cheered that there are many who walk your path and be of understanding that what you are feeling is temprorary and it will pass , it is all very simple , simple yes easy no , you are a geniune loving human being reacting in a very human way. best wishes

A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all

If you realised how powerful your thoughts are you would never think a negative thought x

07-11-12, 20:36
Im the same im convinced i have a brain tumour. Its ruining my life. Are you on any medication?xxx