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04-11-12, 00:17
Hi everyone

New here i dont know were to start, as im typing this im shaking, im convinced im dying and have cancer dont know what to do, would love to speak to somebody who understands x

04-11-12, 00:20
Hi. Welcome to the forums. Why do you think you have cancer?

04-11-12, 00:29
hi laura

thanks for replying, it all started on thursday when i had cramps and diarreah, i tried to put it down to a tummy bug, but of course i started panicing i did the worst thing and went on google and pancreas cancer came up as i have cramps in upper tummy. i didnt sleep at all thursday night and my husband had to take friday off work to look after our baby boy, i thought i felt a little better this morning but then i got chest and back pain well pain nearly everywhere, my ribs even feel bruised. Then tonight i have had some more diarreah which ahs sent me off again, im convinced ive got some sort of cancer and its spreading, i have also lost some weight although i know this can be from having diarreah but in my mind it isnt, and ive lost my appetite which is another symptom of cancer. feel like im going out of my mind :-( xx

04-11-12, 00:35
Ok first of all dr google is a terrible practitioner, he will diagnose terminal illness every time so do yourself a huge favour and don't consult him anymore :)

Hun if you suffer anxiety your whole body is so tense it can cause every symptom you describe and much much more, are you taking medication for anxiety or have you seen a real doctor? X

04-11-12, 00:40
i saw a doctor a few years ago for my ocd she put me on sertraline but i found it didnt work so took myself off it, to be honest my health worries started after i suffered an ectopic pregnancy in january last year, when they operated on me they foiund bowel adhesions and they found some more when i had a csection with my son in march of this year, i read somewhere that adhesions can turn cancerous so thats on my mind :-( its the pain in my upper tummy which is worrying me as that is where your pancreas and liver are, and the loss of appetite is very unusual for me im so scared thanks for talking to me, it helps to know that someone understands

04-11-12, 00:45
Health anxiety is triggered by some sort of trauma with a lot of people. I had mrsa after my 2nd section and that is what sparked my ha off. Has it ever been explained to you why you have adhesions? Is it endometriosis adhesions? Or from an infection you have had it something, I think when you have health questions that are unanswered this is when we start to obsess over it and try to answer it oursrlves, usually resulting in worst case scenario x

04-11-12, 00:51
they said they didnt know and nothing else was mentioned, i see the advert on tv this evening about bowel cancer and it said change in bowel movements so i thought thats a sign i have it, someone did mention to m it could be ibs but im convinced its someting nasty i know i have to go to docs but im terrified they are going to find im riddled with cancer my back is starting to really ache again now like a burning pain and a tight band around my body so sorry to go on :-(

04-11-12, 00:59
Also remember that a c section is major abdominal surgery which itself causes a lot if scar tissue inside, my scar and tummy ached for ages and ages after I had my kids, my doctor told me it was prob scar tissue pulling and tightening insude, I had ultrasounds and wverything was clear, I was convinced something sinister was going on. There are other logical reasons for your pain other than cancer, you had your section only a short time ago, they would have seen anything abnormal while they were in there and all the bloods you have done would have shown something too. I think the best thing you can do is speak honestly with your gp about how you are feeling and see what support they feel will help you x

---------- Post added at 00:57 ---------- Previous post was at 00:55 ----------

When you are anxious a change in bowel habits is extremely common. X

---------- Post added at 00:59 ---------- Previous post was at 00:57 ----------

You have a baby, your back is bound to ache, you are bending over straining it all day long, changing nappies, bathing the baby, nursing the baby, playing with the baby and your bones are probably even now still soft from pregnancy, your body takes a hell of a pounding after pregnancy and birth, especially a section x

04-11-12, 01:00
thank you laura, i never thought about it like that, would they have seen anything on the bloods if they wasnt looking for them? i guess i wouldnt be so worried if it was lower down but its the high up pain thats worrying me, thank you so much for chatting x

04-11-12, 01:06
I would say that yes they would have picked up any abnirmalities, they have to make sure your kidneys and everything are fubctioning properly after the surgery. It could be irritable bowel brought on by anxiety, if that were the case then yes your tummy would be tender. I think you should see your doctor to discuss it all and maybey try sine medication for your tummy. Try not to focus on the negative, if you had a headache you wouldn't automatically think brain tumour, so don't let it get the better if you on this. Try not to stress. X

04-11-12, 01:11
thank you so much laura, im going to try and lay down and get some sleep havent done that in a while :-( hopefully speak to you again soon, take care xx

04-11-12, 08:45
I have alot of tummy troubles in the pelvic reason and have twice had adhesions removed, my gynae who is a top private one has never said anything about adhesions turning cancerous, they are simply old scar tissue which can cause pain and sometimes things to stick together.

I hope you find support on here, we all understand so come and rant whenever you need to xx

04-11-12, 12:22
hi kirstynic

thanks for reply, i think i read online somewhere about them turning cancerous, but relieved to know you have been told by a doctor they dont, i managed to get some sleep last night, but my stomache feels odd, im not hungry which is worrying me, i never lose my appetite :-( feel like i want to burp all the time and funny feeling in my throat, so scared its cancer x

04-11-12, 14:26
Hi, if sertraline didn't work for you, you could always ask your doctor if you could try something else which could work better for you. :)

04-11-12, 19:05
hi, im thinking of going to docs but very scared, ive been fine all day went to my sisters for dinner and when i got home diarreah again feel like im back to square one, diarreah that goes on for this long has to be a bad sign right? xx

04-11-12, 19:41
My doctor told me once that your stomach is at the centre or your emotions meaning that when you are nervous or anxious it's the first thing to react. If I am I often have to run to the loo which is not nice, but what you are experiencing could be ibs or even ibd but only your doctor will ease your mind xx

04-11-12, 19:47
One thing about Anxiety is that it can and will manifest itself anywhere in the body from head to toe.

I have suffered for more than 40 years with this retched complaint so I therefore believe that I know a lot more about it than most of the so called professionals that I have wasted my time consulting in the past!

The most common area for symptoms is normally the stomach in most people (me included).

Sadly, Anxiety has a nasty habit of appearing when we least expect it and it's 'cherry on the cake' is to mimic serious illness or disease.....something which it is very good at and extremely convincing to most people who panic (which incidently probably covers most people on this site)!

Over the years, I've lost count how many times I've had Cancer, Stroke, Heart Attack and all the illnesses that are life threatening. I think I'm well on my way to having my own personal parking space at my Hospital A and E, and I am sure that my all too frequent visits to the place has now labelled me as a Hypochondriac or someone suffering from a nurse fetish!

The problem is of course that all these visits (made during a time of panic) were, in my opinion warrented, owing to the fact that the symptoms were so very real! Incidently, most of them were stomach related.

Probably, the most common is usually IBS. Normally caused by stress and consequently made worse by stress as well. Therefore, the stress of being ill is making us ill!!

I am sure that your worrying about your problem is making the problem worse and therefore becomming a 'Catch 22' situation.

I think a visit to your GP will put your mind at rest and at the very least will be a step in the right direction.

God Bless You.


05-11-12, 11:00
hi horse

thank you for reply, ive took the step and i spoke to my mum about this and she has booked me in at the doctors, my stomach issues are slightly better today but i still have slight nausea that sick to your stomach feeling. my mum thinks i need some tablets to help calm me down, im just really scared if i go and tell the doc how im feeling and they put me on tablets they will take my baby boy off me. its just one worry after another :weep:

05-11-12, 19:00
Firstly, they will NOT take your baby boy away from you. There is no reason to justify this.

Deep inside you know that the best place to start is at your GP.

Just take one day at a time!

It could be just IBS through worry.

harrys mummy
05-11-12, 19:17
Hi, those blinkin adverts for cancer on the tele are just awful!! If I had blood in my poo I'd be straight down the docs not waiting two weeks or whatever it said!!!! Hope your feeling abit better xxx big hugs x dawn x

05-11-12, 19:31
thanks dawn, i know those adverts drive me mad because as soon i see one i think oh thats a sign for me ive got it :-( ive been getting chest pains thought i was having a heart attack but i have taken some gaviscon and it seems to ease it so maybe i have acid sue to stress? xx

06-11-12, 09:15
hey, thought i was feeling better last night then this morning i woke up and felt like ive run a marathon, feel bruised is this normal after been so stressed and anxious or is there something else wrong with me :-( xx

07-11-12, 23:00
Hi Hibiscus,
Reading your posts reminds me of how bad I used to be! Firstly, anxiety can be exhausting to body and mind, which would definitely account for you feeling like you've run a marathon, also, being a new mummy, you probably worry much more than previously about something happening to you resulting in your little boy being without his mum. Right...?
One of the turning points was to recognise what was happening to me, negative thoughts, catastrophising - words I'd never encountered previously, but doing a little homework and reading a book or two about health anxiety reassured me greatly that I had something that was a recognised anxiety disorder and was treatable in various ways.
Talking to your GP about what you're going through is an essential first step.
Hope you get all the support you need. xxx