View Full Version : Buzzing in ears?

04-11-12, 07:46
Hi, when i tilt my head i get a buzzing sound in my ear, and i have heard it can be anxiety related, does anyone else get this with anxiety? Was wondering what it is as i have been having dizziness too!
Jen x

04-11-12, 10:03
I get this when I stretch my neck a certain way or at night sometimes

04-11-12, 11:05
I get this a lot and the more anxious I get the worse the buzzing gets. I have been checked by my doctor and he said it is anxiety as my ears are clear. I would suggest that you have your ears examined by your doctor too.

04-11-12, 11:10
Me too, sometimes it's a buzzing noise, other times a pulsating or a whistle. Have had my ears checked and all looks fine apparently, so possibly is a anxiety symptom. When I am really anxious, I can hear my heartbeat thudding in both ears. It's scary.

04-11-12, 11:20
Mine is more of a heartbeat sound. My doctor said it is because we have an artery going near our ear and when we are anxious the blood rushes round quicker so we hear it more. makes sense I guess but can be annoying.

04-11-12, 11:38
yeh I had my ears checked to because I have bad dizzness and a strange crackling noise the crackling would come and go everything was fine my ears where clear I was shocked I thought there was something wrong lol dont I ALWAYS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

04-11-12, 17:01
I have buzzing tinnitus in one ear a lot. And the hearing has deteriorated in that ear cos of all the buzzing. When I had my ears checked they were clear which amazed me. Apparently there is a link between tinnitus and anxiety. I've found this out for myself as it's worse when I'm stressed.

04-11-12, 18:18
Im trying my best to believe its something ear related but obviously anxiety making me think otherwise, sometimes i get the buzzing without dizziness and vice versa, is it normal to feel off balance with this?
Jen x

04-11-12, 18:39
im nearly always off balance , and I have that funny crackling in my ears anxiety anxiety I HATE IT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:hugs: