View Full Version : Had enough of being scared

04-11-12, 08:11
Hi All

Haven't posted since the summer but lying here in bed and can't take it anymore. My HA flared up again about 2 weeks ago. Began to feel period like irritable pains which then spread to my lower back and feel like there is a pressure in my vaginal/ rectum area. It is all again mainly on my left side and get aches in my left leg.

I went to the docs last Monday and she tested my urine and said I was borderline infection so gave me antibiotics. I also went for a scan of my ovaries at the hospital as I told her of my fear of cancer. Anyway had the scan. The radiographer wouldn't tell me anything so will go to docs tomorrow and hopefully results will be in. Antibiotics haven't worked in my opinion as pains are all still here!

My mind is working overtime! I have convinced myself I have some form of cancer. Either ovarian, cervical or bowel and I am terrified. Really need some reassurance.

Stupidly I googled symptoms and because of the abdo pain it brought up everything!

I started a very heavy period on thurs eve and it now seems to have stopped. That's only 2 days! I am due on tomorrow so came on early. I am now worried that it was not a period and cervical bleeding. I had a clear smear last year but worry how accurate they are. Does anyone know? I have also had looser stools, no blood or anything and regular generally once a day but the pressure in my bum area feels horrible.

I have read back on some of my previous posts and these symptoms reared their head about a year ago although from my fuzzy memory weren't as bad as this time. I had an ovary scan last year which was fine.

Just don't know how to break thus cycle. Had CBT. Didn't work, saw a lovely counsellor who couldn't work out what was wrong. On the surface I do appear normal, fun loving etc. I play sports, eat pretty healthily, like a few wines (don't we all!) but can't shift this cloud of HA. Wish I could just accept life as it is and enjoy every minute. What's the point if constantly worrying about dying?!! Wish my counsellor had just tried to knock some sense into me rather than the nicey nicey approach.

Broached my worries with my husband on Friday. I could just see itin his face he was thinking not again! When I go through these episodes it affects everything. I think about my symptoms 24/7. I can't play with my children without getting sad about leaving them due to cancer. I fear for then having my fears one day and hope to god they take after their dad!

My mother in law died from Alzheimer's last weekend and we have all been so sad. Also my granny has suddenly gone downhill and won't last long so death is everywhere.

I find myself looking at people in the street and thinking 'she's managed to live to 79 ish maybe i can' and looking at large groups of people and working out the ratio of 1 in 3 and thinking it doesn't look that bad! What am I like!? X

Sorry for the rant but just don't know what to do. Hope someone can reassure me. Have a lovely Sunday everyone. Xx

04-11-12, 08:25

I'm in the same boat, I'm constantly thinking about my health and thinking I have a terminal illness, cancer is my worry this time...mainly due to weight loss and other symptoms.
My husband gets annoyed with me and I don't think he actually understands the anxiety thing and the symptoms it brings. I also have 2 small children, they are looked after but I don't feel I give all I can sometimes as info through stages of sitting on the couch trying to constantly calm myself down....

My anxiety was ok the last few months but I had a tummy bug last week and after a large session of vomiting i ended up fainting....I've never fainted before and It was something that has now blown the anxiety into the sky. My husband was here at the time and helped me and now he's gone abroad to work for 3 months I'm on my own.

I've been a nervous wreck the last couple of days, I've tried having a few beers a day to calm me but it's not worked.....

I've never tried CBT but have tried meds where I ended up with every side effect in the book.

With regards to abnormal bleeding, are you on birth control? I was on microgygon after my first...after the first 2 months I started having 2 periods a month (heavy bleeding) I convinced myself for 3 years of having this that I had Cervcal Cancer....one day I stopped taking the pill and it stopped...I couldn't bel it.
I finally booked a smear (thinking the worse) and it was clear. That was May this year.....


04-11-12, 08:32
Hi. No not any birth control. Came off it 4 months ago as hormones don't do me any good. Just worried that heavy period lasted 2 days and now just gone a bit mucky. How accurate are smears? Sorry to hear you are going through the same. Out of interest how old are you? X

04-11-12, 08:44
Hi again

I'm 28, I think smears are pretty accurate, my mum had one when she was younger and had abnormal cells, also another girl on here had posted about having abnormal results. It's a pretty important thing to check so I'm sure they wouldn't get these kind of results wrong. Best thing to do is to keep up to date with them...I certainly intend to do that now....

If you have only a few months ago come off the pill it maybe your body getting used to the change with regards to hormone balance.


04-11-12, 09:06
Hi yeah that's true. I am 38. Just wish I knew what all these pressure feelings were and if anyone else gets them. I have fainted twice with tummy bugs. Really hate being sick. The feeling wipes you out for hours after. It is nothing to worry about though. I also fainted when I had bloods taken when pregnant. It was pretty embarrassing! X

04-11-12, 09:26
Hahaha yeah, possibly the worst thing about being pregnant is feeling like a guinea pig, the blood samples were possibly the worse thing about it....I used to cry before they took samples, then i would always feel pretty daft afterwards.....

The pressure and pain is prob the infection or the close to it.... I know UTi's can give some uncomfortable symptoms. With ovarian cancer I think you would have different kind of symptoms such as being very bloated etc....I wouldn't worry, when you see the doctor again for results of your ultrasound just mention that you still feel pain.
It could be a nerve or muscular as it runs to your left leg...I've had pains in the pat and have been given NSID's these were shoulder neck dramas through from coughing.

I'm sure you'll be fine


04-11-12, 09:36
I've just thought though. Why did I start feeling pain and pressure a week before my period? Ovulation pain maybe, I always get that but why pains in abdo, back bits and leg a week before? Just can't shift the worry :( X

04-11-12, 09:42
They actually say that pain felt in that region can be your ovaries expanding, this happens close to your period...I read that in a magazine problem page last week...could jut be something as simple as that.
Your periods need to stabilise after taking birth control, yor prob feeling the pains of the heavy period kicking in....


04-11-12, 20:04
Hi. Please can I get some reassurance am so worried.

Been for a scan of ovaries as its a big fear of mine due to stomach pain going on a couple of weeks. Doc only sent me because I asked her. Results this week

Symptoms are:

Lower abdo pain mainly on left but occasionally right twinges
Pressure in rectum / vagina area
Psin in left leg

My stomach is not swollen or bloated. I am eating slightly less than normal. Due to worry I guess.

I started my period 3 days early and it was pretty heavy for 2 days but slowing right down. Pains still here though I don't understand.

I have no breakthrough bleeding during the month and up to date with smears so Cervical Cancer? How accurate are smears? Does anyone know?

Have had looser stools over the last week although pretty much only once a day. No blood but abdo pain and pressure in rectum. Bowel cancer? Omg. Wish I could go back to my happy go lucky self!

Going to try to absorb myself in Downton Abbey to get some respite.

Would really appreciate some help from people in the same boat. I know you are not doctors but could do with some friendly advice.
