View Full Version : Is dizziness a side effect of Fluoxetine

04-11-12, 11:05
As title really - I have been on fluox for over a year now and the whole time I have had underlying dizziness- not severe, just feel slightly off balance all the time. My anxiety symptons have really eased, although I still have bouts of being worried about my heart(not sure that will ever go), so am wondering if the dizziness could be related to the medicine rather than anxiety? I mentioned to GP who did blood tests which were all normal.

thanks for reading

K x

04-11-12, 12:05
Hey there!

One of the common on label side effects is dizziness and since you have only been on it a week it could be your body adjusting to the new meds. They act on the synaptic path ways of the brain so I suspect dizziness might have something to do with that. If you're blood tests came back fine and you're doctor doesn't seem overly concerned and it's only started since taking the Fluoxetine then I would see if it clears up in the next few weeks.

Obviously if the dizziness really bothers you then don't hesitate to see the GP again. Though your anxiety is like mine I worry about my heart and every little palpitation :/

Hang in there! :)

04-11-12, 12:37
thanks Pretoria - I have been on the meds for over a year now and I think I have got through most of the other side effects, I was lucky to not be too badly affected even in the first few weeks - its just the dizziness that has lingered on - of course I worry its something to do with my heart! x

04-11-12, 12:54
thanks Pretoria - I have been on the meds for over a year now and I think I have got through most of the other side effects, I was lucky to not be too badly affected even in the first few weeks - its just the dizziness that has lingered on - of course I worry its something to do with my heart! x

Sorry I read that as a week :S

Have you asked your GP for an ECG? If that comes up fine it might put your mind at risk or even alleviate the dizziness?

04-11-12, 13:10
Yes had 2 ECGs and a 24 hour holter monitor - all normal! You would think that would be enough to satisfy me that nothing major is wrong - but No! x

04-11-12, 16:52
Then I wouldn't worry about your heart (easier said than done I know I have the same anxiety fear heart problems and general health anxiety) maybe if you're still feeling this way talk to your GP about adjusting your dose (you never said what you are currently on) or switching to another SSRI such as Sertraline x