View Full Version : Bag of nerves again!

04-11-12, 13:48
Hello Everyone..

Does anyone else's anxiety set off at the smallest thing, that we used to be able to shrug off?

Even though I woke up in a little panic, I find any troubles no matter how small is setting me off. Had a little bit of stress form the other half this morning re finances and instead of where I could usually think.. we'll be ok and switch off.. I can't.. and then my thoughts go from one worry to the next and then always ending up with "why can't I just be normal"!

Now I am in anxiety panic mode.. trying to cook lunch and in the kitchen with my body shuddering away, struggling again to think straight to get it all ready at the same time. Sorry for the rant, just getting so fed up of it and can't see me getting any better anytime soon.

Hope everyone else is on a better day than me :) xx

04-11-12, 13:53
I am the same again today and all I can do is send you lots of hugs :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1::bighug1: Someone put this post on today and it is very good http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=123944
We will beat this...just have to try to stay positive :D xx

---------- Post added at 13:53 ---------- Previous post was at 13:52 ----------

I like how we keep putting smiley faces on even though our own faces aren't showing it! :) xx

04-11-12, 13:57
I always feel worse at weekends for some reason I really dont no why it seems strange i no it could be im busy in the week ,I hope we can all feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:bighug1:

04-11-12, 14:07
Aw Helen, poor wee soul, when you are anxious your body is on constant fight or flight mode, ready to kick the crap out of someone or sprint like linford, when you are like this you are full of adrenalin and it doesn't take much to make our adrenalin pool overflow, even a teaspoon getting dropped in the sink can be deafening, our senses are so tuned in, that's why noises give you a jump and your eyes may play tricks and you do stuff quickly. It's horrible. The best advice I can give you is tiday, every few hours, go lie on your bed and take 10 mins of deep stomach breathing, it disentangled sound like much but your body and mind will thank you for those 10 mins of switch off mode xxx

04-11-12, 14:59
I have had a rough day today too. Just woke up feeling anxious. I feel like even though im anxious i still have to go for my 'little drive' which i try to do most dailys. This is only a few mile drive around local area, but if i dont do it i feel like im going to get worse again. So even though i woke up feeling horrible, i sat and worried that i have to do 'my drive' because i didnt do it yesterday grrrr. So pushed myself out and did it but just ended up feeling deflated. Hope you are feeling better now x

04-11-12, 15:31
Thanks guys as always :hugs:

Managed to get the dinner done.. didn't taste like my usual though but never mind. Sat in my pj's now trying to chill out. Got a bit of a headache now but not shaking.

Annie, I can't believe we've had no real break from this over the last week, can you? Got to better this week surely. Going to read that link you put on in a min xx

And yes, Miss Stress it probably is because you have more time to think at the weekends :doh:x

Stelly, well done on pushing yoursaelf to get out for your drive :) Every little helps! x

Thanks again everyone.. I think I need to be more hands on as it were with my own recovery.. this waiting for it to pass and reading seems not to be working xx

big hugs :bighug1: x

04-11-12, 15:35
I don't know about you but I feel so physically drained at the moment. I have just been for a little walk and was so breathless on the way back...but at least I managed the walk! :) :hugs: xx

04-11-12, 15:47
I do Annie.. Well done for going out your walk though. I know how hard it is to push yourself. I am now on the settee with a fleecy blanket.. Need to watch tv or have a nap to switch off a bit. You get doing the same.. And get some rest :hugs: x

04-11-12, 16:29
i'll join u guys i havnt had a break from it all week a hole week of feeling super low and anxious the only time im happy is when im asleep, i did my walk today but it was like a punishment full of anxiety and weird thoughts didnt enjoy it at all, my mum went of for a nice lunch with her boyfriend my brother went of to play golf and what did i do a short walk nervous as hell, i cant get this collapsing feeling out of me coz i no my cholestrol is so high its a fear thats with me on my walk especially when im in a field and no ones around,
its really hard work for me when the rest of the family are out doing nice things and im stuck indoors

04-11-12, 16:38
Another group hug day again I think. I just can't wait for bed time. :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

04-11-12, 16:53
when is enough enough, i have several friends who have gone into a mental health clinic that is about 10 miles away from where i live, i dont feel like im coping with everyday life at all well afterall if i cant go for a simple walk without dreading it then theres gotta be something wrong in that, my friend has just come out and shes in a good place compared to where she was 8 weeks ago. i dont particually feel safe at home when everyones out, ive completley lost touch with the outside world and have had thoughts of suicide pop into my head this week i wouldnt actually do it as im to much of a coward i just dont feel im getting the help i need , my consultant said ill see you in a few weeks after youve started your new meds ( due to start them this week ) so will probally see him in a fortnight thats ages away i need help now i really cant take much more of this

Jammy J
04-11-12, 20:21
Hello everyone newbie here :)

Hi MissHDynamite,

Firstly your thread caught my eye, i could of written that word by word :D

This week has been pretty crap for me. Like you said, its the smallest things that are setting off my anxiety, i worry about finances all the time which then brings on the panic. I was in panic mode not that long ago r.e finances ( yet again ) but right now im totally fine.

This last few weeks have been bad for me and its just getting to a point where im getting really fed up. This week, i broke down in tears at work as it really got to me and that was the first time ever that has happened :weep:
Think its time to seek help.

How are you feeling now ?

P.s 'rants' are good :yesyes: let it all out in the open and we can all try and help each other. :hugs:

04-11-12, 20:29
Hi gang, sorry you are all feeling so crap today, big hugs. Right enough sympathy, tell me one goal you are prepared to set yourself this week, one thing that you will push to do? Xxxx

04-11-12, 21:19
Hello again!.. Had to have a nap to switch off for a bit :) Still woke up with all the stresses I had before but never mind.

And your not on your own Max.. it is one tough road that I wouldn't wish on anybody.

Welcome Jammy.. sorry to hear your feeling the same.. right Laura has ordered us to one goal this week.. :D

So mine is do to something active re some CBT and get out for a drive each night on my own (haven't done that for a long time) for ten minutes.. going to put some music on and blast away the cobwebs xx

Big hugs all round :bighug1:x

04-11-12, 21:43
Sounds like a great goal helen. I will be checking up on you tomorrow :)

My goal this week is to drive myself to my ent appointment on Tuesday, I shall take no bottle of water, I shall take no safe person, and I shall do all this calmly and anxiety free. Now I have something proper to sh*t myself over lol lol x

04-11-12, 21:50
That's a big one but I think you will do it now :D

On Wednesday night I have got a meal to go to for my daughters 21st!! pooing me pants but got to do it for her.. she's my babba :hugs:xx

04-11-12, 22:09
Oh that's a biggie Helen but you can do it. My cbt therapist once told me to visualise the night out, see yourself enjoying it and being comfortable, I did all this before a high school reunion, I was bricking it, but I went, and had a great time, being drunk as a skunk certainly helped a lot lol lol not that I am encouraging you to turn up at your daughters 21st drunk!!!!! Lol xx

---------- Post added at 22:09 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

Helen you sound just like I did a month or so ago, I was terrified of everything and my problems lie with adrenalin, I have pools of it. That's why I was telling you to try the deep breathing thing earlier, it helps turn off the adrenalin tap. X

04-11-12, 22:27
Thanks Laura..

I just don't know what's wrong with me lately.. I used to be such a strong person. My left arm has gone all floppy ish now.. did this the other day. Trying not to worry about it.. will just go to bed. Hope for a better day tomorrow xx

04-11-12, 22:49
Alright MissHDynamite, you have been there for me, now I am here for you. My friend I understand how you feel completely. I never feel relaxed, always on edge, always a bundle of nerves. That I just can't shake. I swear as I get older, it gets worse. I used to be able to handle so much more, but lately (couple years) I can't. I feel like a ticking time bomb. I am sending you the biggest hug, and I hope you feel better soon. Happy Birthday to your daughter also, thats a big one!!!!:hugs: :hugs:Debbi

04-11-12, 23:06
Good goals guys :) The power of knowing everyone at NMP is behind us will help us achieve them I'm sure.

My goal is to do at least one piece of CBT practice a day this week, as I've been getting a bit lazy over it since I've started to feel more myself. Tomorrow we're going to a fireworks display in the evening, and Tuesday is dancing night. I don't have anything planned yet for Wednesday or Thursday, but on Friday I've been invited to a friend's house for a Neal's Yard party, so I'll try to round off the week with that.

05-11-12, 08:39
I am talking utter rubbish, my ent appointment is next week not this week!!! My goal is to remember things lol lol. Ok so new goal is to take my returns into next instead of arranging a collection. I shall do this with no bottled water and blah blah blah lol xx

05-11-12, 08:51
ive gotta try and be a bit easier on myself i find myself beating myself up all day everyday ive had to make some major life changes since i was diagnosed with pancretitis/diabetes , ive woke up feeling anxious again this morning though, i have my stress buster course this evening though im dreading sitting in a room full of people panicing like mad its gotta be done though i really am stuck in a rut at the moment though , i was starting days out fine then getting worse through out the day now im even waking up feeling rubbish, got the dr shortly hopefully the letter has got to them from my consultant and my meds will change today , i no i musnt pin everything on medication but it does help me its just mitrazipine doesnt seem to be doing anything for me so there changing that