View Full Version : Dizziness a year after panic attack

12-08-06, 23:48
hi all,,im hoping someone can help me out here,,,i had 3 massive panic attacks one after the other just over a year ago,,since having those attacks ive been left with symptoms that never go away,,the worst one is constant dizziness or off balance feeling,,like im floating or looking through a camcorder,,this has never gone away and i have a thumping heart,shaking,weak legs,,the list goes on,,so why after a year am i still getting symptoms?? anyone know??? thankyou xxx

sadness only leaves you feeling happier

12-08-06, 23:57
I get this one too from time to time and it can last for anything like a few days to even a few months.

I agree its not nice but try your very best to ignore it - there isn't always a rhyme or reason as to when these little episodes come, as they are just part of anxiety in general.

I hope you dont mind but I deleted the other copy of this post under a different topic then you will get more answers kept together.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-08-06, 07:05
Hi - I think = like someone once said to me on here - that by worrying about it you are feeding the anxiety - making it important and if we forget about it then it will go away or at least dampen down - dont know if this makes sense or not but hope it helpsl.love wenjoy x

13-08-06, 11:18
this is so common with anxiety. the thng is you have the panic and anxiety, then you get the horrible symptoms and then comes the fear. the fear keeps them going im afraid

have you ever read claire weekes " self help for your nerves". this is the perfect book for you


14-08-06, 10:10
This is exactly how I am,

Its not very nice but with CBT you can learn to tollerate the distress of these symptoms.
Today I have dizzyness but try to ignor it and carry on with my day....
my daughter has a call out doctor coming soon cos shes very poorly.
This certainly makes it worse [xx(]
