View Full Version : Tingly/Numb fingertips!!!!!! arrrrrrrgh

harrys mummy
04-11-12, 15:33
Hi everyone, I'm new to this so please bare with me, but I'm driving myself nuts!!! I've had anxiety/panic attacks & a major fear of getting something terribly wrong with me for years!! So here goes with my problem now!!

For the last few weeks I've had really strange numb/tingling in afew of my fingertips, I'm now convienced its MS!!! I've been to the doc who thinks its carpol tunnel & sending me to a specialist, since then its happening in the same fingertips on my other hand (ring finger & middle)! At first I believed her but nope now I'm driving myself mad believing its MS! My father in law has MS & is a shell of the man he was, I'm terrified!! Sorry for going on I needed to let off before I drive my husband nuts!!!! I'm feeling even worse about it because I've got an 8mth baby boy & canimagine not seeing him grow up or worse him seeing me nuts!!!!!

Thanks for listening xx

04-11-12, 16:23
If you are not breathing correctly as many people with anx and panic do not, then you can get numb and tingly fingers from that as well as your body will send the blood to your organs etc as it thinks something major is happening and needs to compensate........but in truth it is just your body reacting to your wrong breathing

04-11-12, 16:41
Hi there. I experienced tingling in my hands while on holiday in August. I also had numbness in my arms and legs. I automatically assumed ms and it ruined my holiday. When I got back, went straight to gp. He referred me and I am still awaiting appt. but just days after the referral I felt fine! Still have the appt which is in dec but may cancel it. Really believe I brought it on by anxiety. I thought about the tingling and numbness 24/7. Try to take your mind off. Watch a film or take some exercise or a relaxing bath. Really hope you feel better X

harrys mummy
04-11-12, 17:28
Thank you for the post, I've had meny symptons cause of anxiety the worst I can think of was palpataions!!! Horrid!!! But you know when you get that feeling that this time its not anxiety its something else! Something horrid!! And I feel awful to all the MS actual sufferes, but I'm obsessed with it!!! I've done the bad thing, something I tell friends who have anxiety is the worst thing to do! And googled my symptons!!! Amoungst others MS always pops up!!! I feel so so worried! Thanks again xx

---------- Post added at 17:28 ---------- Previous post was at 16:44 ----------

Also just want to add or know, I've read up all the symptons of MS so now I'm feeling foergetfull, clumsy that I am normally but noticing it more!! Do you do this?? OMG!!! Xx

04-11-12, 19:49
Oh I always bring on symptoms when I google. It's awful. Have had a couple of pretty good months but now back to square 1. Can't work out now whether I have cervical, ovarian or bowel cancer. Just said goodnight to my daughter and worry about not seeing her grow up. I can't bear it. Try not to dwell on your symptoms (wish I could give myself same advice lol) keep yourself busy and symptoms will hopefully subside xx

08-11-12, 19:07
Hi I'm new to this but I suffer from anxiety and Carpol tunnel, you could well have carpal tunnel, I have 3 fingers that are always numb and some times tingle depending what I'm doing, this can be corrected with minor surgery. If you massage your wrist near the palm of your hand does it feel like it shoot up you hand easily?

10-11-12, 10:42
Hello Harry's Mummy.
I have and still have similar symptoms to you but i get numbness and tingling in my little and ring finger. I recently went and had a test called a EMG done on my arm and hand, They send very small electric shocks from the elbow down to the fingers to test for nerve damage.

The test was all clear but the chap who done the test ask me some question and he told me what was most likely causing it for me was a slightly trapped nerve caused by computer usage as when i use my laptop i lean on the arm of the sofa and it leads to the nerve getting trapped slightly and that was it.

I would suggest if any of that sounds the same is to maybe adjust the way you sit at home (its had if the only way like me you get comfy with your legs up and leaning on the arm) and see if that makes and differance.

10-11-12, 11:03
From what you have said I agree entirely with venus. I hyper ventilate practically all day long at the moment and have this tinglingling nearly constantly. Breathing exercises of which there are many, may help. Good luck.

15-02-16, 19:49
If you got these symptoms:
Herniated discs
Cervical spine aches
Discs protrusions
Lumber spine aches
Numb fingers and toes
Or you got dorsopathy
Then you just have to visit my video -