View Full Version : Another random anxiety symptom?

04-11-12, 17:19
Evening guys, just wondering if any of you have experienced a cold sensation across the forehead? Sometimes I get a hot sensation but this evening it's like a cold flannel accross my head. I've had a chiropractor adjust my neck this week and I'm slightly anxious about going to work tomorrow... Any ideas? Many thanks, Lucy

fozzy is crying
04-11-12, 18:17
Evening guys, just wondering if any of you have experienced a cold sensation across the forehead? Sometimes I get a hot sensation but this evening it's like a cold flannel across my head. I've had a chiropractor adjust my neck this week and I'm slightly anxious about going to work tomorrow... Any ideas? Many thanks, Lucy

My advice to you is to see your GP.

I have had a spinal problem of cervical spondylosis fully diagnosed 35 years ago by experts at The Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases. Since then I have many times over the years had its progress checked. The problem is through the whole of my spine and at its worst in my lower back and neck area. The advice I have been given repeatedly by consultant spinal specialists is never ever allow anyone to manipulate my spine. I have told this to so many people who laughed at me then saw a chiropractor. Everyone without exception I warned and then went on to see a chiropractor regretted it. Some saw some gain after one appointment but soon found subsequent treatment did more have then good.

The neck area is only a few bones away from your forehead and the whole area has a large and complex nerve system.

I am not saying chiropractors are no good but in all the cases I know and it runs in to 100s they have caused problems instead of solving them. I am not also saying that your neck manipulation is linked to your forehead problem but it might be. That is why you need to see your GP and if necessary be referred to a consultant spinal expert to find out what is actually going on in your neck.

In the meantime for neck pain make sure when you can it is supported such as a cushion when you are sat down and take ibuprofen which will not only help with any pain but has an non-inflammatory in it which again with ease the problem. You can safely take 400mg of ibuprofen three times a day in the short term before you see your GP. I am permanently on that dosage and more and have been for years. You can also use volterol gel as well as the painkillers.


05-11-12, 22:15
Thanks Fozzy, I think you might be right. I've had two sessions and I feel in a lot more pain than I was. Wonder if anyone else has had experiences with chiropractors, good or bad?

fozzy is crying
05-11-12, 22:21
Thanks Fozzy, I think you might be right. I've had two sessions and I feel in a lot more pain than I was. Wonder if anyone else has had experiences with chiropractors, good or bad?

Awe I am so sorry being in this extra pain does I am afraid mean they have done more harm than good. I went to school very many years ago with a man who is a World leading spinal surgeon and he always told me he loved chiropractors as he gets almost all his private patients as a result of people seeing them.