View Full Version : Hmmmmm... What a funny ole day!

04-11-12, 17:31
Hi all, How is everyone doing today?
I think I'm coming to some realisations today. It's dawned on me that anxiety is all underpinned by my lack of belief that I can cope with life. I feel terrified that eventually something will get the better of me eventually. If I believed I could cope with anything life throws at me then anxiety and panic would have no power.
My usual way of trying to cope is to try and control everything. Like, if I can control everything, nothing can suprise me and knock me off course.... That's not working, because of course I can't control most things.

So I guess it's logical that 'letting go' and developing my confidence in myself will help my anxiety.

Soooooo..... I'm going to start by giving myself some credit for coping with anxiety for several years. I'm stronger than I give myself credit for. I feel like I've been scared of everything at one time or another, but I'm still here! And I must have built up some coping skills in that time.

Sending you all lots of positive vibes and squishy hugs x x

04-11-12, 17:43
This is my exact same issue - all my worries are "what will happen in the future - how will I cope when my parents die (no expecting this to happen for a long time, but still a major worry), how will I cope with my boyfriend being ill (he has depression and agoraphobia which I spend a lot more time worrying about than him), how will I cope with being old"

I'm constantly waiting for something terrible to happen - the silly thing is, when things have happened like my grandad passing away, before it happened I spent ages thinking how on earth will I cope, and when it sadly did happen I did cope, I didn't go insane and I didn't fall apart. I think it's a lot to do with needing to be in control.

04-11-12, 17:54
Absolutely! I'm a control freak, I feel like if I can't control something I have to fear it! I need to try and let go and let what happens happen... But it's hard work.

Have you read Susan Jeffers Embracing Uncertainty? That's really helpful x

04-11-12, 18:11
im the same always predicting the worse predicting on my daily walk that im gunna collapse and die it never happens but the thought scares the hell out of me i dont no where im going with all of this can i beat this at home on my own or am i gunna have to go into a clinic of some sort and get some proper help i dont want to have to do that but i need to get well