View Full Version : Just tell me why?

04-11-12, 17:52
How many of you have friends who are never ill?

It's just that I have spent most of the day feeling very uncomfortable with cronic wind, stomach pain and nausea, not to mention the latter part of today on the loo.

I suffer IBS, Gerd, Anxiety of all sorts, have Coeliac Disease, Tachychardia and probably something else which hasn't been discovered yet.

I am being admitted to hospital on Tuesday for a Gastro-endoscopy and Flexi-Sygmoidoscopy (yes I won the raffle with this one). It's not nerves because the Gastroscopy will be my SIXTH in about ten years and admittedly although the Sygmoidoscopy is a first, I have had a Colonoscopy before so I'm not too bothered.

My rant this afternoon is the fact that I don't smoke or drink. I eat only healthy food and have been on a very strict Gluten Free diet since the discovery of the Coeliac Disease nearly twenty years ago. I am not overweight, blah blah blah! On the other hand, I do have a friend who eats double servings most of the time, drinks with every meal except breakfast, smokes about a pack of high tar cigs a day, is overweight, never excercises and has never had a medical in all his 56 years!!!

Needless to say, he is never sodding ill!

One more point..............he never worries!!


04-11-12, 18:22
Can I just join you in your rant - I have zillions of physical symptoms, as well as GAD and health anxiety. I do not drink, eat no red meat, etc etc. My husband drinks, smokes, is never ill, and like your friend never worries or stresses. My sister is the same, she is never ill and would not worry if she was. I have loads of medical tests coming up also and have been convinced I am seriously ill for months. I am constantly being told I am negative and always expect the worse and perhaps this has a bearing on my health.

04-11-12, 18:42
I have no doubt that 'So as we think, then so we will become'.

A very good friend of mine always says 'Whatever happens above the eyebrows is responsible for whatever happens below the eyebrows'.

04-11-12, 18:52
True I suppose, but not easy to keep positive. I think anxious people always think the worst (I know I do) it is mentally draining and must take it's toll physically. I am surrounded by positive non worrying family and friends but it does not seem to help.

04-11-12, 19:17
I think it doesn't matter if you are surrounded by people who never worry even though some do a brilliant job in putting up with us the way we are and trying to convince us everything will be alright.

The problem lies within us and at times it can be a very lonely existence having to suffer the way we do. The ironic thing is, we know that deep inside there is nothing wrong or nothing is going to happen to us, but trying to convince ourselves is probably the hardest thing to do.

Sadly, I have no immediate family, therefore it can be even harder to suffer alone and I must admit that as I grow older, I no longer want to go out or socialise very much, as it becomes a major operation rather than any pleasure.

I have suffered since I was 14 and I'm now 58. I can honestly say that I've been everywhere for help but sadly to no avail. As I get older, I am becomming worse and being as my Mother suffered Anxiety I often believe that my personal problem is in fact genetic!

But I will continue to fight but I must admit that I'm running out of energy after over 40 years of suffering.

04-11-12, 20:46
Yeah i agree with Alma....im pretty sure my anxiety is the reason i seem to pick up ever bug going around,.....


04-11-12, 21:36
I do think it is sometimes possible to make ourselves more ill, or at least feel more ill, because of our anxiety and negative mental attitudes. An extra dose of optimism would certainly make us all a lot healthier and happier!
