View Full Version : Anyone here tried natural remedies such as kalms etc..???

04-11-12, 20:40
Hi Everyone

Ok just hoping for some advise on personal experiences with Herbal Remedies for calming etc.

I have had the worst few days of anxiety worst being constant internal shaking/tremours and just the general sense of fear with the dizziness......

Ive been on 2 medications in the past, Citalopram and Sertraline both were the worst things i have ever taken in my life...literally (every dise effect in the book)....Ever since taking both of these even now i feel panicky after having a paracetamol thinking i will have some awful side effect.....
The Doctor recently precsribed me Prozac but i have to be honest im too scared to take medication like this now.....

I know i need something to help me so today i went to Boots and bought some Rescue Remedy in the spray version....Being me though im worried about taking it as i dont know what to expect from it....Bit annoyed that it will sit there now costing £10 but what i really wanted to know is if anyone has had any odd effects with taking stuff like this? Does these products actually work or is it a more mental thing....????

if someone can let me know there experience on these, especially R-Remedy...


04-11-12, 21:01
I've tried kalms and bach rescue remedy and found both effective, not for my severe anxiety though. Although I am taking kalms night at the moment alongside my lyrics to help me sleep. I think they work :hugs:

04-11-12, 21:08

Thanks for your reply....

Im so glad to know they actually do something then....I know its not a cure for the anxiety, maybe if i use it if i feel it coming on....
I think i just have to get over the fear of taking new things...Thanks so much for letting me know. I will give it a shot in the morning, i think if i take it now i will prob be scared to sleep lol...silly i know...


04-11-12, 22:07

You really won't have any problems with rescue remedy - give it a go. I've taken St. John's wort in the past and it does help for milder symptoms. It took a while to work for me though and don't take it if you're considering starting ADs and they interact.

My advice would be to have another chat with your GP - there are other solutions such as therapies and different meds. I know what you mean about SEs (I had a terrible experience with sertraline) but I now take venlafaxine and it is so much easier to tolerate for me.

Take care

Pip xxx

04-11-12, 22:58
Yeh I tried kalms didnt even touch my anxiety,mine you my anxiety very very high at that time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)

04-11-12, 23:14
I think with kalms you need to take over a good amount of time regularly for a therapeutic effect, whereas the Bach rescue is pretty instantaneous effect :hugs:you can also buy specific Bach flower remedies for your particular complaint or condition, might be worth looking at. I've used these also for various things. They work for some not for others as with everything xx

05-11-12, 10:21
I take Rescue Remedy if i start to feel anxious or im about to do something that i no i will feel anxious in! It helps me alot and ive never had any weird side effects from it. I dont need anything else now apart from that. xxx

06-11-12, 19:04
i,m going back to st johns wort, i,m weaning myself off citalopram, after being on them 3 years and them making me feel tired n zombified most of the time and having terrible nitemares, i,m down to 10mg a day now, felt better on st johns wort n lots of vits, including b complex, so i,d defo give it a go xx :)

06-11-12, 19:27
Hi emm
Bless you really are not alone in the fear of taking medication, I'm awful
always thinking will it make me feel weird etc:huh:
I take Prozac, have done for many years, not sure they do much for me now.....think
we can sometimes get used to them, but yes I'm to scared to change and there could probably me another antidepressant out there that could be my saviour....hope one day to get the courage to change meds
Years ago I took valerian for panic/ anxiety and it worked well, thinking of trying it again
but I'm also going to go down the route of taking some vitamin B3 and magnesium....heard this can help with anxiety/ depression
Sending:hugs:and hoping you find the courage to take somthing that will help you

06-11-12, 19:47
I use Rescue Remedy in both the spray and the chewing gum versions. It's fine and I never had any side effects. :)