View Full Version : Should I start taking Cipralex (Escitalopram)

04-11-12, 21:47
Hi - I would like the benefit of people's thoughts on whether to start taking Cipralex.

[I'll keep this brief] After being knocked down by Agoraphobia and being housebound around ten years ago, I now go about everyday normal tasks (work, family life etc) generally without anxiety or fear. I sleep very well, I'm relaxed and happy - no depression whatsoever. CBT, NLP and reading lots of self-help books got me this far (always avoided all medication).

However, as soon as I need to step outside my everyday comfort zone I get very anxious and feel like I start shutting down. This would typically involve driving for more than about 20 mins away from home, going anywhere without my car - basically anything where I think I'm unable to escape quickly to a place I perceive as 'safe'. I won't drive on dual carriageways/motorways, can't take the train, won't go in lifts, won't fly and lots lots more.

My day to day life with my young family is great. however, we rarely go on days out, we holiday in the UK (taking very bizarre road routes to get there), I won't take the children far on my own, I rarely go out, not travelling is limiting my career prospects at work - the list goes on.

And in the past two years I fear I have developed CFC/ME - I'm completely exhausted/empty muscles after playing too much with the kids at the weekend.

After doing lots of research I have discussed this with my Doc and he's prescribed Cipralex 5mg for me, which I requested.

So here's my dilemma. Given what I've read about the adverse side effects of this SSRI, do I risk what I currently have in search of doing all the other things I want to do to have a fulfilled life. Or do I stick with what I have and accept that I have to live within these limits? I cannot afford to have any time off work if the side effects are too severe. In others' experience will I be able to continue to work while I start out on these tablets? I also envisage that I'll try further CBT work whilst I'm on the tablets - but fear I won't be able to stop taking them, in say 12 months time.

Be very interested in your thoughts...

05-11-12, 03:20
I have the exact same anxiety as you do. I was prescribed 5 mg of Cipralex also and it has helped me a great deal with very little side effects. 5 mg is not a very high dosage, so i do not think the side effects are as bad as people starting at 10 mg or higher. I feel much better today then i did October 11 my first day on Cipralex. So, i say YES, try the med. I wish i had of taken this drug 5 years ago.

05-11-12, 11:05
I'm on 20mg of this after coming off a high dose of Citalopram the older version....

It's been really good for me, give it a try. Good luck!

05-11-12, 12:53
I have been on 10 mg for a few months now. First two or three weeks were tough, but after that all of my side effects are gone and I feel like myself (pre-depression and anxiety ... forgot what that was like!)