View Full Version : Feeling very low as I keep losing things/breaking things

04-11-12, 22:18
I've been feeling very low as over the past few months I've been losing things like railcards, just damaged my new Iphone and it may be an expensive repair ect..feel I'm replacing things every month more so with OCD I chuck away lots from dinner mats to clothes.

Basically working part time I'm finding it hard to cope with it. I'm skint every month. Yes I should be more careful but unfortunately these things have happened..Ideally I'd fix the phone ect..but it costs money and not fixing minor things just annoys me and depresses me more.

Plus xmas is just around the corner and not spending alot makes me feel like bad too..so I probably will spend loads.

Hours at work seem hard to come by right now too. I just feel very low even buying things like a bottle of juice depresses me right now due to the cost..anybody else felt this way? :weep:

05-11-12, 19:18
Life has got so expensive and it only seems to add to anxiety that we already have. It is depressing, but I think that if you are happy then these things wouldn't matter. But when you are unhappy in life these things just feel that much worse. I'm not happy in my life and these little knock backs are like a kick when you are already down on your luck.

I totally relate to what you are saying.