View Full Version : Starting to get really worried

05-11-12, 06:33
Hi everyone,
I apologise in advance if I end up blabbering on a bit, but I just need to get all this out. Ever since my panic disorder started out one of my main reasons for worrying has been my heart, it has settled down a bit now but on and off in the past my heart will just race for no reason. I can be completely calm and just sitting somewhere quietly and my resting heart rate will be around 120bpm, i've noticed too my heart will just start racing sometimes after i've had a meal. My sister has a heart condition where her heart will race sometimes over 200bmp, she's on medication so it hasn't happened for a long while, but she's had to be admitted to the ER so they can give her something to slow her heart down. I've been to the doctor numerous times and have had a Holter monitor fit on me twice, but they never find any abnormalities other than the fact that my heart is just beating rapidly. I've been to a cardiologist, and while they didn't find anything wrong, they did notice that I have a small hole in my heart, apparently everyone starts out with it but it eventually closes in the womb before you're born, for some reason it didn't fully for me. The cardiologist told me at this point it isn't dangerous, but due to my symptoms lately I can't help but worry. On and off my heart feels like it's skipped a beat, and when it when t does beat again it feels like it's pounding in my chest. Last night out of nowhere it did this and for a few seconds it felt like I couldn't even breathe, it scared the hell out of me. A few months back I was just lying down in bed and I felt this very intense sudden pain in the middle of my back, it lasted a few seconds and went away, but it was unlike anything i've ever felt before and to this day i'm still worried it had something to do with my heart. I'm just really terrified and I don't want to die, i'm only 24 (I should've mentioned this earlier). Anyways, i'm not completely sure that all made sense and that I didn't come across as a mumbling mad woman, but there it is. Has anyone else had these experiences, and what has been the outcome in terms of medical tests etc if you've had any? Thanks in advance.

05-11-12, 07:57
Hi Chrissy,
When I was about 28 I went through a few months of what you are describing. My resting heart beat was very fast, as yours is. Went through every test under the sun, but other than it being fast, I was totally healthy. I quit all caffeine and most sugar for a while. It did eventually slow down on its own. At the time, no one ever considered anxiety, but since then I have fought with bouts of being anxious, and most recently have gon through a rough time with panic attacks and such. I get the rapid heart beat with the panic now, and it makes me think that that is likely what caused it then.
All that said, if you're doc has done tests, which it sounds like they have, I Would try to not worry too much. I know, from experience, it is a very uncomfortable thing, but it won't hurt you. The human body is an amazing machine.
I would look at your diet, if you haven't done so already though. Helped me to cut out anything that would act as a stimulant.

05-11-12, 10:57
Thanks for the reply Flossie, for the last while my resting heart rate has been around 80-90 bpm which is an improvement, but i'm still worried. Like I said, it happens sometimes even when i'm completely calm, I had not really thought that my diet could be the problem though, so i'll investigate that. I'm more worried because of my sister's history with heart problems and the fact that the cardiologist told me I have a small hole in mine. I may just have to get a referral to see them again.

05-11-12, 12:42
I have noticed my fiances is always fast ... when I have really bad anxiety i try to count it ... his is usually around 100. if yours is 80-90 thats in the normal range.