View Full Version : Symptoms

13-08-06, 11:42
I am finally going to see the doctor tomorrow, although I am terrified as one or two have been trying to help in telling me what could be wrong with me.

I have a dull ache in my chest, sometimes the odd stingy feeling, back ache...same dull ache. Shaky inside & out and all the usually panicky stuff.

Butterflies in my tummy etc....I'm ok when i wake up then after a few minutes bang it all sets in again.

So far I could either have over active thyroid or a blocked artery, now both of these things scare me & I know these people are only trying to help.

What do you lot think?

13-08-06, 11:56
hi ya, jeni
i think you should just go see your doctor and wait and find out what he/she has to say. it might be nothing, you never know. i get the chestpains and have had checkups but im fine. nothing wrong with me. so try not to worry, i know its easier said than done. just go to doctors, think positve thoughts.:) you'll be ok. we're all here for you.
take care
love twiglet xx

13-08-06, 12:01
Are your chest pains similar to mine...I mean the way I have described?

13-08-06, 12:27
hi just to let you know i have suffered with chest tightness, an achey horrible feeling on and off since january this year...i was terrified at first as i thought i must have a serious heart problem(im 26)..so one particularly bad day i went to a&e, did ecg, and lots of other tests and everything was normal, had more heart tests since then and everything is ok, its just anxiety...the more we worry the more the symptoms are prolonged, and its one of my most hated anxiety symptoms as it is scary and so hard to tell yourselve you are ok...
have you had any tests done, or is tomorrow the first time at the docs with this, if it is dont worry he will examine you and may even suggest a ECG, to put your mind at rest
im like you too, i wake up fine, then the symptoms come back
take care, and let us know how you get on tomorrow

13-08-06, 13:56
Hi Jenimate,

The symptoms you describe do sound like anxiety symptoms, try not to worry yourself ( easier said than done i know, sorry ). I get stingy feelings in my back and chest and dull aches all over my body, and butterflies in my stomach all the time.

Im sure your doctor will help put your mind at rest , its good that you are getting it checked out and im sure you will be fine!!

Also have you read any books by Claire Weekes? She explains so well how anxiety can affect us physically and emotionally and I found reading her book and learning more about my symptoms has been very reassuring and it’s helped take a lot of the fear away.

How long have you been suffering with anxiety?

Hope all goes well at the doctors for you tomorrow!!

Take care xx

14-08-06, 15:49
I've been to the doctor, he says its anxiety!!

Has taken blood to run some tests & has prescribed some citalopram.

My mate has removed the leaflet so I can't read the side effects.

As far as I am aware they are tranquillisers, he gave me 28 days worth & a dose of 10mg once a day.

I'm terrified of taking any medication & wonder if the mere thought of taking them will cause further anxiety.

16-08-06, 01:29

The best thing to do is get a doctor's opinion. Most of the time everything is okay and we are just nervous, but you will have peace of mind once you know. How long have you had that pain? Whatever you do, don't go on the internet looking up symptoms. That just scares you more. I did that when I was having pelvic pain. I was terrified that I had ovarian cancer. I had some tests and was perfectly fine. Get tested and let us know how everything goes.


16-08-06, 23:23
I am awaiting the results of blood tests, Monday the doctor said.

I have decided against taking the medication.

For the last 2 weeks I have had the odd spot come, i thought it was insect bites, but today I counted about 10 on my back & a few on the back of each knee & some on the inside of each elbow.

I went to see my pharmacist who's first thought was chickenpox, but as the spots have been comng out slowly over 2 weeks he felt maybe it wasn't, he wasn't sure if it was shingles either & said I should go back to the doctor.

I'm really not keen on going back after already having one traumatic visit this week, maybe the blood tests already taken may show up whatever it is.

I'm feeling a little better in myself & have a few days away planned this weekend.

21-08-06, 10:43
Had the results of my bloods..

all were clear except one...

My cholesterol reads 6.9 and I have an appointment to go and see the doctor tomorrow.

I am feeling anxious about this as I know stress is bad for it, smoking is bad for it.

Taking tablets is bad for me.

Diet & exercise is the way forward for me.

21-08-06, 18:06
I need to know what my colestrol level is really. But i had the chest pains a couple of months ago, since the begining of the year. I felt horrendous & didnt think for a minute i would get away without having something wrong with me. But i was fine. Health anxiety is dire to be honest! But i will admit, most symptoms i got over the yrs were fine when i woke in the morning, soon as i thought about them, they would kick in whatever they were at the time. That was a slight indication to me that it was mainly psychological. But it doesnt convince you completely.

Pete to win Big Brother 7

22-08-06, 14:22
Hi there

I went to get my results from the doctor today, I already knew about the cholesterol but also my liver isnt functioning properly due to the amount of protein in my body.

I have to change my diet completely, low fat & low protein.

I ended up at A&E last night due to panic & had an ECG, blood sugar & pressure done. They were all fine and that has reassured me somewhat, but there is still something playing on my mind.

The doctor has given me a script for pills to help lower the cholesterol, but at the moment I have to get my head round taking more meds.

26-08-08, 10:39
Recent studies have attested to the fact that depression has a number of genetical factors attached to it. Depression does come to the next generations if the members of the previous generation have had instances of depression. Especially bipolar depression has been proven to come down to the next generations in case the previous generations had it. http://www.xanax-effects.com (http://www.xanax-effects.com/)

29-08-08, 19:36
personally, in my experience with knowing many people with thyroid problems, anxiety is a HUGE symptom of thyroid. all my friends who have thyroid problems got blood tests from their regular physicians, and they all came back normal. BUT, when they got deeper tests from an endocrinologist, they found out they had thyroid problems. really, im telling you this to help you and DONT PANIC. you will not die, if it scaring you ok? cause i have this problem too and im alive :D so, if you still feel insecure, go to your doctor and ask for him to refer you to an endocrinologist to see if maybe that is the source of your anxiety. he will just do some simple tests on you to see if you might have thyroid problems. hopefully this helps you, cause i know i am the same way. im seeing an endocrinologist next week to see if maybe i have some thyroid problems cause it runs in my family big time. but dont be scared, it will be ok. if you do have thyroid problems they can be fixed by remedies or pills. even your diet can help thyroid! i hope this helps you and your anxiety.