View Full Version : I must be dying

05-11-12, 08:25
Ive just got up again and been hit with vertigo again. I can't believe this is anxiety I'm so scared there really must be something seriously wrong with me. I was away at weekend and had a giddy attack then but then I was just left lightheaded. I can't think this is all due to fluid in my ears I'm certain it must be a brain tumour. I haven't taken escitalopram yet because I'm petrified they will make vertigo worse. I'm so scared there's something seriously wrong with me I cant die and leave my little boy I just don't know what to do anymore.

05-11-12, 08:45
I have had awful vertigo since June, finally I am getting to see ent next week. I was given sertraline to take about 5 weeks ago and I honestly couldn't believe anxiety could be the cause of such dizziness but I can honestly say that my dizziness has gotten so much better since starting the ssris, my advice is to take the meds, I too have kids and worry about the same things you do and yes it is scary and horrible. Give them a shot, it's worth a try and it's helped me get my life back. Xx

05-11-12, 08:52
Thank you for replying so quickly. I'm sitting in bed just crying because I feel so awful. I've got a heavy day at work and I've been off a few times and don't want to call in sick again I just want to get on with my life. I think I will take the tablets I just wish I had someone to hold my hand while I take them lol!!

Thanks again x

05-11-12, 09:08
We are all 'mentally' holding your hand :hugs::hugs::hugs:

05-11-12, 09:30
Snap! I woke up one morning a few months ago and was so dizzy I couldn't see or walk properly. I'm not one for rushing to the doctor but I was so concerned I got an emergency appointment. Guess what...... nothing was wrong! I passed all those little neuro tests they make you do and clutching at straws she said it could be an inner ear issue which would heal on its own. I was sent away with vertigo pills which helped a little but basically I had to live with it. Some days were worse than others but it did go eventually after a couple of months. I still get odd dizzy moments but nowhere near as bad! Hope you feel better soon. xx

05-11-12, 09:52
Thank you angelai that means so much. I've just taken my first tablet so here goes! Meche did you feel as though you had pressure inside your head?

I feel as though something is pressing on top left side of my head and I'm imagining it's a tumour causing the pressure. I've just cancelled a work appointment as well (crying on phone as I did it makes me feel like an idiot).

This forum had been a saviour for me, thank you xx

05-11-12, 10:03
I had alot of issues with pressure on the right side of my head and face. Felt like something was crushing on my skull. This was the scariest symptom for me because I honestly thought I had a tumour. Again though, it disappeared in time. I do still get it when I'm a bit stressed.

05-11-12, 10:17
Thank you. I've had it in the past and it's disappeared probably to be replaced by another anxiety symptom :-(

06-11-12, 18:44
hi, i justed wanted to ask people about the vertigo feelings. Do you mean dizziness? i dont get dizzy but i have AWFUL feelings like i'm about to fall over/faint or that i'm falling or something? today has been awful at work. ITs much worse with lack of sleep which is what happened today. i also feel like i'm not solid, that i'm walking on air or something which together with the falling feelings means i feel very no with it and uneasy.

how does the vertigo feel for you?

06-11-12, 22:24
Hi Sunday

The actual vertigo I've had I've woken up with and as I get out of bed everything moves and spins. Then I also have dizziness which is how you described it. I feel as though my head isnt attached to my body. Floor feels wobbly, jelly legs. It's a horrible feeling and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


06-11-12, 22:30
hi, i justed wanted to ask people about the vertigo feelings. Do you mean dizziness? i dont get dizzy but i have AWFUL feelings like i'm about to fall over/faint or that i'm falling or something? today has been awful at work. ITs much worse with lack of sleep which is what happened today. i also feel like i'm not solid, that i'm walking on air or something which together with the falling feelings means i feel very no with it and uneasy.

how does the vertigo feel for you?

thats how I feel exactly like you its a horrible feeling gp says its down to my anxiety i had tests all fine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

07-11-12, 00:53
I got this one morning after I had taken loratidine instead of certirizine for my allergies...

07-11-12, 02:15
It may sound stupid but I'm thinking if you think anxious can not be the cause maybe you can check your neck(i dont know the word in english..google said it is called cervical spondylosis..)=-=...it is very common among people who work in office..maybe it's not the only cause of dizziness but maybe it made dizziness worse..and it's easy to treat anyway..I've met a lot of people in hospital with the same symptoms of dizziness excapt they do not feel anxious..

07-11-12, 21:39
Mrs Stressed,

do you have these feelings all the time? i must say i suffer most days, all day -its horrible. Also what tests did the GP do? i'm thinking of returning to the docs, just because i'm fed up of it. Its been with me now for 18 months. x

07-11-12, 22:35
Mrs Stressed,

do you have these feelings all the time? i must say i suffer most days, all day -its horrible. Also what tests did the GP do? i'm thinking of returning to the docs, just because i'm fed up of it. Its been with me now for 18 months. x

Yeh i still have that horrible feeling that im falling thats the worst one for me at the moment ,my dizzness comes and goes ,but i had a spell of dizzness for two months i thought it was never going ,i have had numerous tests fasting bloods ,heart checked ,ears, eyes everything was fine and my bp is perfect apparently ,but god yeh i not supprised your fedup go see your gp you shouldnt have to put up with it hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

07-11-12, 22:40
Strangely someone else mentioned cervical spondylitis yesterday. My neck has been hurting today and I've had tension headaches (which conveniently link in with my brain tumour fears). I also had the floor sensation again and ended up in tears at work.

Now I can't get to sleep again cos I'm scared of having a stoke, getting vertigo, locked-in syndrome. This is awful and now I'm checking for side effects of meds :mad:

07-11-12, 22:46
Its funny you should say about your neck because i have tension in my neck and back and thats something ive not mention to my gp its worth checking thanks guys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

08-11-12, 17:00
Hi again Mrs Stressed!

can i also ask..

Does the vertigo get worse if you stand? mines awful when i'm doing the washing up for example and i dread having to have a conversation with someone standing up! as it starts then too -i have put it down to getting worse when my body feels 'trapped' and i'm standing..so 'stuck in a convo with someone' etc. I dont really feel it when i'm lying down, but can feel it when sitting -like i'm dropping. Its defo lots worse when standing (but not half as bad when i'm walking)

its just great to hear others are feeling the same!! even if its rubbish we have too! x

08-11-12, 17:26
yeh when it was really bad I dreaded standing up, sometimes it was that bad I would have to go along the wall to hold me up. I got up when I really needed to now its not as bad thank god ,but when it comes on me now I just get on with it, I tell myself its only my anxiety ,but yeh it does make you feel better knowing your not the only one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs: