View Full Version : Eve of Scan!

05-11-12, 11:01
I've had a really good weekend; symptoms under control and have been mentally bright and relaxed. Haven't had a weekend like that in a long time....... BUT (there's always one)...... today is the day before my ultrascan and I'm already starting to feel nervous. I'm not panicky, not overly anxious but every time I think about it my tummy flips and I feel sick. This time tomorrow I will know what my lump is and I guess I'm in fear of the unknown. I've already been told by my doctor what she thinks it is (fibroadenoma) but there is always that niggly doubt at the back of my head. Strangely enough and more frustrating is that my lump has all but disappeard again. It was there all weekend but now I can barely feel it. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing! Anyway, hoping I can get through the next few hours calmly and without too much drama. Wish me luck. xx

05-11-12, 11:16
Thinking of you and sending you :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1: I am sure your doctor will be right :)

05-11-12, 11:17
Good luck in sure everything will be fine, I know exactly how you feel xxx

05-11-12, 12:29
Thank you ladies. As much as I'm dreading it I can't wait for tomorrow to come around. I just want it done with so I can move forward. xx

05-11-12, 12:37
Good luck x

05-11-12, 13:01
Good luck tomorrow sweetie, I am sure all wil be totally fine, tell us how you get on, sending you hugs and braveness :) xxx

05-11-12, 13:03
Sending you luck, though I'm sure you won't need it :)

05-11-12, 13:21
Wishing you good luck for tomorrow. I am sure it will be fine. Got my ultrasound tomorrow as well for my lipoma/lump . so know exactly how you feel :hugs:

05-11-12, 13:24
Aw Alma :bighug1:! I'm sure we'll both be fine but the waiting is unnerving isn't it. Wishing you all the luck in the world. Let me know how you get on. xx

05-11-12, 13:30
Thanks so much, waiting is horrible. If I am anything like my last one, I started to cry half way through it. I'm a woman of 33 for goodness sake! all the best to both of us anyway!!

05-11-12, 13:32
Alma - I'm 39! I know for sure that I'm going to cry for joy when I get the all clear or cry in fear when they say it needs investigating more! xx

05-11-12, 13:35
Ladies, I nearly cried in Asda Living this morning, just from the relief of having got there without panicking!! It's perfectly understandable for both of you to cry before/during/after your scans :)

05-11-12, 13:41
Good luck to both of you xx

05-11-12, 14:16
Sending positive scan vibes... xxxx

05-11-12, 14:26
i wish you all the best x

05-11-12, 14:30
You guys really are the best. You are helping me stay calm and focused and I thank you all so much. xx

05-11-12, 15:50
Meche and Almamatters, I've also got an appointment with the ENT tomorrow, so I guess we're all going at the same time. Best of luck - here's hoping that everything will be OK for all :) !

05-11-12, 15:56
Few people having tests tomorrow it seems. Good luck to all of us!! :hugs:

05-11-12, 17:43
Good luck to everyone - I am sure you will all be fine :hugs:

06-11-12, 02:05
Good luck to all of you with tests tomorrow, all my fingers are crossed that it's good results for you all. :hugs:

06-11-12, 07:36
Good lucky everyone. Big hugs xxxx

06-11-12, 08:42
Thinking about you today Meche :hugs::hugs: xx

06-11-12, 11:39
What a morning I've had ladies. I've been poked, pulled and prodded...........but everything is ok :yahoo:! I can't tell you how relieved I am. I had to go for an ultrascan and a needle biopsy which wasn't that bad (although I'm feeling sore now). I have a fibroadenoma which measures 3.5cm x 3cm - it's huge! I'm not going to have it removed and I've been assured it will not turn cancerous. I only have to go back if it gets bigger. I can't believe how calm I was the entire time I was there - I really surprised myself and was even joking with the doctor! I had a male medical student there too who was rather dishy and made the experience far more bearable :winks:! Thank you so much for your support everyone.
Laura; thank you so much for your message this morning. You made me feel braver! Love and hugs to you all. xxxx

06-11-12, 11:41
So glad it was good news for you. :hugs: Mine is actually tomorrow, had got my dates wrong, so another day of waiting. xxxx

06-11-12, 11:42
Really, really pleased to here this Meche :yahoo::yesyes: xx

06-11-12, 11:43
Glad everything is okay, and you coped well. I suppose that was due to the dishy doctor :)

06-11-12, 11:44
I have a dishy physio to look forward to this afternoon :D

06-11-12, 11:47
Pleased everything is ok Meche :)

06-11-12, 11:49
:hugs::hugs: thats great news :hugs::hugs:

06-11-12, 11:54
Thank you ladies. I feel I should be happier than I am. I absolutely am not worried about it anymore but I can't believe I've just been through what I have! It's like it happened to somebody else.
The med student was gorgeous - I couldn't stop staring at him. Do you think they do that on purpose as a distraction :winks:!
Alma; :doh: - good luck for tomorrow. If I can get through it, anybody can. It really wasn't that bad. xx

06-11-12, 12:41
Thank you ,really cross with myself, was all ready mentally (sort of). Hope there is a good looking student at my ultrasound, (for distraction purposes obviously) xxxxx once again so glad all ok for you :hugs:

06-11-12, 16:33
Congrats Meche, glad everything turned out well for you!!! :) Glad to hear you managed to be so calm too.

Almamatters, so sorry you got the dates wrong, it's no fun to have to wait another day but I hope everything will turn out well too. :)

I went along to my ENT appointment even though all the symptoms had cleared up, I thought it was best to go since I'd already secured an appointment, to ensure everything looked ok and whatever happened wouldn't recur. Well, the doctor said everything looked fine with the ear and was fairly dismissive. If I hadn't stopped to ask him WHY some things happened, he would have sent me away with barely any answers to my questions. :( I've had all sorts of doctors and ones like him do little for anxiety... they don't reassure or explain, just say nothing is wrong and then send you away. Everything was normal in the hearing and impedance tests. Just crossing my fingers I don't have to see him again!

06-11-12, 16:37
Hi glad it turned out for you ok as well jump womble. I hate it when doctors etc are dismissive, if only they knew how stressful these appointments are for some of us. xxx

06-11-12, 16:51
I have to say the consultant I saw today was absolutely brilliant - very professional but with a sense of humour. She talked me through everything that was happening as she was going through it with the med student. I'm now an expert on boobs! I saw another doctor for my ultrascan and another for my biopsy and again, they were all wonderful. xx

---------- Post added at 16:51 ---------- Previous post was at 16:42 ----------

Sorry Jump - glad yours went ok too. One less thing to worry about and NO; you won't have to see him again. xx

06-11-12, 16:59
Was everything good meche? X

06-11-12, 17:02
Everything was good Laura. I'm a bit sore from the needle biopsy and I do have a huge lump but it is definitely benign and nothing to worry about. I managed to keep it together the whole time and am SO relieved. Phew! Time to move on. xx

06-11-12, 18:02
Glad everything went well. Did they give the biopsy results instantly?

06-11-12, 20:44
I got the results within 15 mins. I was shocked at how quick it was but glad I didn't have to wait. I've no reason to doubt it now. I had a top consultant & every test to determine what it was. Boob anxiety now over! xx

06-11-12, 22:40
So happy for you - I hope my appointment with the dermatologist is as straightforward!

06-11-12, 22:42
Aw meche I am so happy for you hunni, so glad it was good news, you can calm down now toots xxx